Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ravi Ravindra and Priscilla Murray: The Call to Awakening in the Gospels of John, Thomas and Philip

Ravi Ravindra is my Sutra Teacher.  He is at Krotona for 3 weeks presenting with his wife? Priscilla Murray on the Gospels.

The course happens from 10 to 12 Tuesday thru Friday at the Krotona School from Tuesday, Feb 23 thru March 12.  I wish I could go every day, but even a little taste is such a blessing.

This is my first time with Priscilla, and I really like her.  She holds the question and the invitation of the teachings and invites us in.  Much like Ravi, but without any of his occasional cynicsim.

This is the course description:

This course will explore the call to awakening in the gospels of John, Thomas, and Philip, one canonical and two non-canonical. They are less concerned with our sinful nature and more with awakening to our essential divine nature. Series $95/week $35/single session $10
Recommended Texts: Course participants should have copies of the gospels of John, Thomas and Philip, and a copy of The Yoga of the Christ (more recently published under the title The Gospel of John in the Light of Indian Mysticism) by Ravi Ravindra.

Ravi Ravindra, PhD, is Professor Emeritus at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, where he was Professor and Chair of Comparative Religion and Adjunct Professor of Physics. Known for his ability to communicate with and inspire students, he is recipient of several awards and research grants and author of more than 100 papers in physics, philosophy, and religion. The latest of his many books is The Wisdom of PataƱjali's Yoga Sutras.

Priscilla Murray, PhD, holds degrees in philosophy, education, and mathematics. A retired educator, Dr. Murray was the Associate Editor of the eight-volume series of books, The Inner Journey: Views from the Major Spiritual Traditions, published by the Morning Light Press.

These are notes from DAY 1.

Priscilla Opened:
Gospel means "good news".
In the interest of helping us get in the mood, P asked us to consider the quality of waiting for good news and receiving good news.

"Christ brought a teaching that was radical"
"And his teachings required a radical change in the lives he affected."

Consider the impact that Christ had on the world.

"Can this be good news for us?...Can we hear something we did not already know?"

It is through an open quality of relationship that something can be offered.  Like with scriptures and poetry, the results can be new each time.

Priscilla created some historical context of the Gospels, defining canonical and non-canonical gospels.

Canon of the Church
those scriptures and materials that have been accepted, received the stamp of approval.

Non-canonical Material
all other materials not accepted or considered orthodox

Priscella presented that as the Church became more organized, the teachings became more orthodox and rigid.  The method of teaching "from above" meant that the ways were unquestionable.

Gnostic Gospels
Gnosis - from the same root that makes Knowledge
- a particular kind of Knowledge
- wisdom, insight, intuition, mystical, esoteric
- not obvious knowledge
- not captured in a technical manual
- a relationship coming to be, a teaching
- to help us towards an inner knowledge
- invites and allows us a new perspective
- we are all a part of this new look

"Christ revealed himself to the people as they were able to see him."
"Human beings are a variety of levels of understanding."
"All our ways of knowing can be very limited"
"He came not to make us Christians, he came to make us Christ" (Phillp)

If we are 7 billion on the planet and 98% are just surviving, we need some Good News.

"Balance of Life and Organization of Group is always in tension"
We have the "wonderful possibility of giving up our knowledge"

The Discovery of the Gospels:
1945 in a clay pot in the desert of Egypt by a Shepard or Farmer

They were not translated into English until the 70s.

"Every translation is an interpretation."
Thomas: "Whoever finds these interpretations of these sayings will not experience death."
Invitation to find a deeper relationship with these words, the Self, and God.

Ravi reminded us that context is not random and to consider the needs of the planet around 1945.
At the end of WWII, there was a major emotional shit.   Up until that point, it had been fine to conquer another's culture.  After that it became "a bankrupt idea".

1960s saw the movement of Turning East.

"Like the red-letter edition"
Everything starts out with "Jesus said"
Thoughts have not been organized.
Not really in logical order.
Instead, little gems to treasure.
"For people already turning towards hearing from Christi"

Literal vs understanding
"Any translation will not be the translation"

More reflections, comments and teachings in line of Christ, about him, to a select group

Ravi and Priscella spoke of the page numbers and how we will find the verses

"very little mention of what Christ DID, always what Christ SAID"

these works regard Christ as a teacher, less as a Savior
A teacher requires something of the students.  One has to be a disciple

Saviour requires a different attitude.

[a member of the group mentioned Christ as a healer]

"Go beyond the ordinary mind"

Ravi opened Second Half

Christ remarked, "I stood in the midst of the world and I appeared to them in flesh; I found all of them drunken; I found none among them thirsty. And my soul was pained for the children of men, for they are blind in their hearts, and they do not see that they came empty into the world seeking also to leave the world empty. But now they are drunken. When they shake off their wine, then they will repent" (Gospel of Thomas II, 2; 28).

Ravi spoke of the sadness we feel for the ignorant.
"Jesus wept for the sins of Jerusalem"
Humanity is a source of sorrow.

Ravi spoke of our need for approval.
"Teachers bring freedom from this anxiety"

Peter: "Christ needs to keep dying on the cross as long as we keep sleeping."

Buddha: "We live as if asleep"

"Teachers come to connect us to a quality of life to which we are not usually connected." oppose to the conflict, sorrow and meaninglessness.

"How long oh Lord, will though forget me?...Give me light to my eyes or i will sleep with death." Psalm 13, versus 2 and 4

Is it Enough to be Thirsty?

"A lot of work from the day of deciding to the day of enlightenment."

There is a time pressure when a real teacher appears.
"Search while the light is among you."
"99% of the people are not interested."

"Who is admonishing me to change?"

Ravi spoke to our ignorance of believing we are the center of the universe.
he referenced the statistic that thousands of galaxies will appear and disappear this morning and 120 million people will die this year.
"We can be slaves to all this or servants to all this, the rest is just politics."

"The miracle of transformation lies in seeing."
"Can i see this without blaming someone else?"
"Suffer the fact of the way I am."

There is a constant exchange

Who am I? is the seed Question.

The highest state is radically different in Indian and Biblical Traditions:

In Indian traditions, the emphasis in generally on the ONENESS of everything.
In Biblical traditions, the emphasis is generally on the Uniqueness of everything, even in the presence of Divinity.

"Moses talked to God as a man to a man."

UNO - uniqueness, oneness, from the same Latin Rot

"What is said, cannot be said."
"Reality is not expressible"
"The words are not the same, but the words are required.  The Real cannot be expressed."

"WORDS become the tradition, notion of sounds, meanings, and certain words become symbols and the rest is just noise."

We must return to the experience of the sages, not the WORDS.
Language is a Frame of Reference.

"We cannot understand until we are transformed to UNDERSTAND."

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Yogathon Meditation Class

This afternoon I taught at the Yogathon at Yoga Jones in Ventura, benefitting KidsArt.

The class was billed as a gentle yoga for meditaiton class.

I started out with a talk, thinking we had 90 minutes, then Marcia let me know we only had an hour.  So things got simple quick.  I was really glad Marcia was in the room.  It really helps to have people you know.  Melissa was there.  Lori was there.  And a few other peeps.  Grounding points.

Since we were benefiting a kids art effort, I allowed the talking points to be inspired by Betty Edward's "Drawing from the Right Side of the Brain."  I spoke on learning how to LOOK.  I referenced Carol Dweck's Mindset and the Effort Effect and Gladwell and the 10,000 hours of practice.

This is the first time I have opened with a talk and not just started in and allowed the talking points to be revealed.  So this was new and fun.  It felt right to engage the new group who I have never met and connect.

Windshield Wiper

Eye of the Needle with Tailbone Action

Roll up to Sitting

Easy Casual Side Bending

Side Bending "for real" x 2

Baby Cobra to Locust to Cobra x 2

Childs Pose

Set up for Sit

15 minute Sit


Stiff White Guys Yoga, Saturday 10:45am

12 Peeps

Impressing the Heart with Shoulder Opening
Tailbone Awareness

Supine with Heals touching wall
Knee to Chest each Side

Place brick under sacrum to enhance the thigh stretch
Knee to Chest with Brick, opposite leg extended touching wall
Hamstring Stretch Same Side with Strap

Repeat Other Side

Release Brick

Supine Extended Tadasana

Transition to Sitting

Easy Casual Side Bending

Transition to Standing

Roll up to Standing

3 ROunds Lunges with Tadasana Play moving towards Crescent Moon

Even Cowgirls get the Blues with Block Play
Downward Facing Dog Play

Headstand Prep with 3 Blocks at Wall

Ollie, Babs and Barbie all got up.

Bridge Pose with 2 Blocks and a Blanket
Viparitta Karani
Rest in Open hearted Butterfly



Soft Vinyasa Yoga, Saturday 9am

8 peeps
1 Drop in

We took advantage of the intimacy.
Wanda complained about her heals not getting to the floor in squat.

So, we answered that call.
The dharma talk was influenced by last night's workshop with Lisa and this week's time with Ravi Ravindra and Priscella Murray.  Way too many talking points.  Had fun sharing the latest teachings but not really organized well.  In short, to be on the spiritual path is to become intimate with suffering, so what compels us? 

Calf Torture Pose
Arch Torture and Toe Torture
with Dog Pose in between

Sequence 1
Low Lunge with knee WAY over ankle to get into the heal
Hamstring Stretch with top foot stretch and play with tailbone for anatomical understanding


Repeat Sequence 1 Other side

Step forward Uttanasana
Roll up to Standing

Hokey Pokey
Full Body Shaking
Heart Prana Pounding
Palm Prana Awareness

Sun to
Sequence 2

Repeat Sequence 2 Other Side

Vinyasa 1
3 Baby Dips
Baby Cobra to Locust to Cobra
Windshield Wiper
Rocket Cat
All Fours

Easy Side Plank Both Sides
Childs Pose


Step Forward Uttanasana

Roll up to Standing

Sun to
Sequence 3
Twisting Lunge

Repeat Sequence 3 Other Side

Repeat Vinyasa 1


Step Forward Uttanasana
Malasana to Mouse Pose
Roll up to Standing

Uthitta Tadasana
Sun to
Sequence 4
Crescent Moon
3 Leg Hamstring Stretch

Repeat Sequence 4 Other Side

Vinyasa 2
3 Rounds Chaturanga
Baby Cobra to Locust to Bow Pose
Windshield Wiper
Rocket Cat

Step Forward Uttanasana
Roll up to Standing

(i was totally pushing it here, we had maybe 15 minutes left. i guess i just thought that i could transcend time and space at this moment.)

Sun to
Sequence 5
Crescent Moon

Repeat Sequence 5 Other Side

Repeat Vinyasa 2
(but skip childs pose)
Rest and Roll onto Back

Knees to Chest

Eye of the Needle to Eagle Twist
Repeat Other Side

Happy Baby



Ravi and Prisella, Day 4

Ravi and Priscella
Day 4

I missed Days 2 and 3 cuz of Teaching Sked.
I was sad to not be there, but the teaching does not seem to be linear, so easy to drop in today and the space they offer feels timeless, so easy to drop back in.

Today the topic was to focus on the theme of being a disciple.  In summary, we covered the quotes that revealed that Christ and Buddha were SEEN as the having discovered the TRUTH, not cuz of what they said.  Also, we dove into the necessity of LOVE for learning to occur, with Christ and Krishna.  This moved towards a discussion of the female disciples and Mary Magdalene.

The Primary quote we continued to reference today From Thomas:
"He who is near me, is near the fire, he who is far from me, is far from the kingdom."

P asked the question so, "Who are the Disciples?"

What are the levels of participation?

These exist in the external world as well as us.
How do we recognize these levels in us?

the latin root, means to learn, a follower

from Thomas
"I shall give you what no eyes have seen, no ear has heard, no hand has touched, no mind has understood."

Disciple vs Apostle
a disciple is learning and receiving
an apostle is sending forth

You can not be an apostle before a disciple.
Except Paul? He was an exception?

Not all disciples became apostles.

in John, Thomas, Philip
we have stories of the Disciples
We must come to these teaching again and again
in Thomas, the sayings are for the disciples
in Philip: more a community of disciples speaking to each other

Buddha and Christ, teaching to those who are already in the attitude of disciple
Not teaching to convert people

(as Ashley says, Jesus didn't have a Facebook page)

Seen not Heard

Ravi spoke of the Buddha and how he was SEEN as having found the Truth, not heard
he quoted
"they see him coming"
"look at G, he has found the truth"

"The illusion that the TRUTH is conveyed by words" Ravi

and in reference to Christ

John Gospel;
Andrew, was the first disciple,
"Look. The Messiah has come."

"No teaching can take place except in a certain attitude of learning." Ravi
in a state of eros - Love

"Only those who love me, can know me" - Krishna
"I reveal myself to those I Love" - Christ

People do not Follow Jesus cuz it seems like a good idea.

Ravi relayed a story of being in Varanasi to hear Krishnamurti
There was a cook who was also very excited to hear Krishnamurti speak
When Ravi exclaimed surprise at the cooks excitement because Krishnamurti will be speaking in English which the cook did not understand, the cook replied,
"What has language got to do with it"

The Teaching is a MUTUALITY

even those who became disciples were scandalized by what he was saying.

"there are many more things i had wished to tell you , but they will scandalize you.'

"You did not choose me, i chose you."

"He who is near the fire"
To be near a teacher is not a bowl of cherries
There is constant demand
"Far from me, far from the kingdom"

Ravi brought up Judas and the question of how Jesus allowed him to be with him for so many years.
The notion that he did not know is ludicrous because of Jesus's sensitivity.  So what is going on there?

Again, the mutuality:
"Relationship is not only that he knows Christ/God, but that HE IS KNOWN.
"As i should know, i will be known."

Female Disciples
There was a break and Priscella took over to discuss the Female Disciples
The idea that they were all men, comes from the list of canonical gospels
and the Da Vinci painting
and of course there were more than 12

There were women who followed Christ, were with him and receiving his teaching

Again, Priscilla, offers the invitation to become a disciple

in the Gospel of Phillip
"3 who always walked with the lord"
Mary M, his mother Mary and her sister
His mother, sister and companion

There was a little fuss in the room around Mary M being the same as Mary of Bethany.
This fuss almost never happens when we are having a discussion about Buddha or Krishna or Patanjali.
This grip on the stories was interesting to witness.

What is the womanly quality of a disciple?
mother, sister, companion

the historical data is fragmented
"to imagine that we can be definite is silly."

@ the Cross, when Jesus was crucified
those 3 women were believed to be there

Mary Mother
What is the vehicle that can give birth to this level of being? In the World? in Us?

Invitation/Demand/ for our spiritual birth
Quality of purity

Ravi offered the relationship of Annie Besant and Krishnamurti as a parallel

Priscella offered for us to connect to the Agony associated with a son's crucifixion
Michaelangelo's Pieta

We have ordinary biological relationships, and relationships on another 'higher' level.

"Whoever does not hate his mother and father cannot become a disciple of me..."

"My kingdom is not of this world"

How do we keep these 2 Levels in dynamic Balance

Ravi told the Samaritan Woman story and how his view of her as a devoted disciple vs his friends, Armstrong's, (a cheerful slut) almost broke up their friendship.

This story is an example of Christ's vision of one's essence
(similar to Ramana story of his followers being upset when he allowed prostitutes and others to enter)

And about Mary
Martha and Mary of Bethany
"clearly followers of Christ"

Story of Mary washing Christ's feet in expensive perfume and then wiling them with her Hair
Judas remarked, "why this waste?"
Jesus said, "let this be".  He accepted what she is honoring.  Himself as a symbol.
The suggestion that "this money could be used to feed the poor"
And JC's response, "The poor will be with you forever."

about MM and JC, "clearly a close relationship."
Christ would often kiss her.
This offended the other disciples
"Why do you love her more than us?"

G of Phillip: reconciling what appears as opposites.
Balancing of the masculine and feminine energies

in the Christina Mystical traditions, it is often argued that between Mary and Martha, Mary had the better part.
Mary - in devotion and at Christ's feet
Martha - service while cleaning, cooking, etc.

yet Meister Eckhart has an entire essay arguing that Martha had the better part,
"Is it possible to engage in action while in a state of contemplation?"

G of Phillip: Christ loved Mary more and used to kiss her often

G of Mary: discovered pre 1900 and fragmented

Section where Peter is saying to Mary:
"Sister, we know he loved you more....tell us the words of the Savior...that we do not know..."
M says, "what is hidden from you, i will proclaim to you" and she sets up to report the vision...but its lost.

Peter becomes angry and doubts her, "did he speak with a woman and not with us?"
M replies, "do you think i thought this up myself and i am lying?"

And jealousy and bickering begin.

Ravi brought up the sadness that these being feel when we do not understand.
He referred to the "wounded doe" look of Krishnamurti.
Thomas, "Jesus said, 'Let him who seeks, continue seeking until he finds...when he finds...he will become troubled."

It is WOMEN who witness Christ's Birth, Incarceration and Resurrection.

I asked the question about Mary as his primary disciple and the one who drew most of the teachings out and if Ravi could discuss it in the context of the Indian Shiva and Shakti.
He pointed out that the relationship is upside down between West and East.
In East, the masculine is the quiet, still, passive and all movement happens in Shakti.
In West, the masculine is the active and the feminine is the passive.


Ravi opened and pointed out that these teachings are also in the canonical gospels if one knows how to read between the lines.
John: "this sort of talk is hard to bear, how can anyone accept this?"
JC, "the spirit alone gives life, the flesh is useless, no one can come to me unless it is granted to him by the Father."

"We all have a feeling that transformation is a good thing as long as we don't have to change." Ravi
Abhinivesha: attachment to the status quo

are we really WILLING?

maria: transformation is not simply a rearranging

connection of the FIRE quote and the RIG VEDA
"OM AGNI" the first verse
the first priest - the one who works for others
Agni - the symbol for transformation, the lord of sacrifice

no sacred occasion in Hinduism without fire
Agni - root of the word ignition, ignite

in regards to different interpretations:
"good idea to not be so sure"

The fire
self knowledge, reflection
but danger of being burned, singed
demand that is created when coming near a real teacher

JC spoke to 1000s, but very few willing to follow
and almost none of the disciples stayed around
disheartened and dispersed
the three Marys were at the Cross

note that Easter time is the most sacred event
Ravi suggested that no matter where is his, he can feel an injection into the world stage

Luke, chap 12 v8 - 5
"to him, much is give, much is demanded..more will be asked..."

We must not be fooled that JC came for Peace on the Planet
"i have come for dissension"

"A teacher is like a potter, supporting the pupil from the inside and beating him from the outside"

Ravi noted the relationship between Krishnamurti and Mary Z

"i have a baptism to undergo...not of water, but of fire and truth."
sometimes translated as "spirit and Truth"

Fire, Spirit and Truth
logos - the word

Batam (in greek) - immersion in Suffering

in the entire Biblical tradition , particularly Christian and Judaism, there is much suffering
"for the discerning, there is suffering everywhere."
Patnajali, "suffering is built into change"
1st Noble Truth in Buddhism, "Life is Suffering"
Book of Jobe

but, can suffering be useful?

If we can intentionally sacrifice and undertake suffering, it can be good?
Basis of Christian doctrine?
Vicarious atonement

it is the meaning of being chosen, selected

Rabbi Hileb, "God offered this choice to every nation and the Jews were the ones foolish enough to accept it"

Anointed, chosen

Paul, peter and Steve
Each one of then crucified or stoned to death
Why would they follow HIM?

"Many are called, few are chosen"

Prepare them to willingly accept suffering
if its possible let this cup pass me by

Question of loving the Whole World
the Sun shines for everybody
divine presence available for every body

John says, Lord, I love YOU
"if you love me, you will obey my commandments, then i will love you as the father loves me and i will dwell in you as the father dwells in me."

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Yin Yoga and Meditation, Wed 7pm

10 Peeps
7 new Drop Ins

Funny to have so many drop ins.  The regular space that we have been cultivating slides back a bit.  The space for the energetic exploration gets reduced.

Butterfly, 6 minutes

Swan, 5 minutes
Rest and Observe
Swan, 5 minutes
Rest and Observe

Locust, 1 minute
Locust, 1 minute

Sphinx or Seal, 5 minutes

Childs's Pose

Lunge, 4 minutes
Lunge, 4 Minutes

Spinal Twist, 4 minutes
Spinal Twist, 4 minutes

Sit, 15 minutes
(Optional Savasana)

Sweet Vinyasa Yoga, Wednesday 8:30am

23 Peeps

4 or 5 Drop Ins.

Martha Ringer came to class with a flyer for a book signing for her book, "Complete, Done, Finished."  Martha is my coach for staying in the flow of things and maintaining a system of organizational management.  I love and need her.  And her being in class inspired some of the themes.  Practice relaxing.   In the project of following one's heart, what are the items on the "To do" list?  Similar sequence as Monday as we moved towards Upward Facing Wheel Pose but today solo instead of with partners.

Sukhasana with Foreward Fold and Side Bending

Transition onto All Fours
Easy Side Plank Both Sides
Childs Pose


Simple Lunge Each Side

Vinyasa 1
Windshield Wiper
Rocket Cat

Malasana with Mouse Pose Prepping

Roll up to Standing

Arm Prana Slapping
Heart Prana Pounding
Heart Hand Prana Extension Play

Sun to
Sequence 1

Repeat Sequence 1

Vinyasa 2
Baby Cobra to Locust to Cobra
Windshield Wiper
Rocket Cat

Malasana with more Mouse Pose Prep
Complete Sun to Standing

Sun to
Sequence 2
Twisting Lunge

Repeat Sequence 2 Other Side

Vinyasa 2

Mouse Pose
Roll up to Standing

Swamp Monster and Hallelujah Arms
Hallelujah Arms to UD Arms
Interlaced Finger Shoulder Stretch

Hallelujah Arms to UD Arms
Sun to
Sequence 3
Crescent Moon with UD Arms
Hamstring Stretch
3 Legged Dog with Hamstring Stretch

Rounded Plank

Repeat Sequence 3

Vinyasa 3
Rinded Plank to Cobra
Rocket Cat

(Vajrasana to Watch)


Repeat Vinyasa 3

Roll up to Standing

Sun to
Sequence 4
Swamp Warrior to Hallelujah Warrior
3 Legged Dog
Revolved Dog

Vinyasa 4

Rounded Plank to Up Dog
Down Dog

Repeat Sequence 4 Other Side

Vinyasa 4

Childs Pose

Transition to Backs

Bridge Pose
UD, Stage 2
Urdhva Dhanurasana

Knees to Chest

Eye of the Needle to Eagle Twist
Repeat Other Side

Knees to Chest


Monday, February 22, 2010

Yin Yoga and Meditation, Monday 7pm

5 peeps

I was super talkative tonight.  Yin was more entertaining perhaps than relaxing.  But I had fun.  We laughed a lot.  A lot of attention to the chakras and the elements.  The final sit was directed at focusing on each of the chakras, specifically the earth, water, fire, air and ether elements.

Swan, 5 minutes
Rest and Sit.

Repeat Swan
Repeat Rest

1/2 Shoelace or 1/2 butterfly, 4 minutes
Repeat Pose
Repeat Rest

Lunge, 5 minutes
Repeat Lunge
Repeat Rest

Seal or Saddle

Rest on Back
Knees to Chest

Spinal Twist, 3 minutes
Repeat Twist

Roll up to Sitting

15 minutes
Optional Savasana for 5 minutes or continue to Sit

Sweet Vinyasa Yoga, Monday @ 8:30am

22 Peeps
4 Drop Ins

First Class back.  Got in around 7pm last night from Kirpalu.  Super excited to wake up in So Cal.  Talk was about some of my learning this weekend.  The question of, "What do you teach," the inquiry of "Who am I" and the "nama, rupa, asti, bhati, priya".  Emphasis on GROUNDING, play with the chakra elements and we moved towards Partner wheel drop backs. 

Sukhasana Foreward Fold and Side Bend
Both Sides

Transition onto All Fours

Easy Side Plank on Both Sides
Childs Pose


Easy Lunge Both Sides

Windshield Wiper
Rocket Cat
Childs Pose



Roll up to Standing


Sun to
Sequence 1

Vinyasa 2
Low Cobra
Windshield Wiper
Rocket Cat

Step Forward Uttanasana
Mouse Prep
Complete Sun to Standing

Sun to
Sequence 2
Twisting Lunge

Repeat Sequence 2 Other Side

Repeat Vinyasa 2

Step Forward Uttanasana
Mouse Pose
Complete Sun to Standing

Check in Swamp Monster and Hallelujah Arms

Check in Standing UD Arms
Interlaced Finger Shoulder Stretch
 Roll up to standing

Check in Standing to UD ARms
Sun to
Sequence 3
Crescent Moon
Hamstring Stretch
3 Legged Dog with Hamstring Stretch

Repeat Sequence 3 Other Side

Rounded Plank

Vinyasa 3
Rounded Plank
Rocket Cat

Watch Demo

Repeat Vinyasa 3

Step Forward to Uttanasana
Roll up to Standing

Sun to
Sequence 4
Swamp Warrior
Hallelujah Warrior
3 Legged Dog

Vinyasa 4
Rounded Plank to Updog
Down Dog

Repeat Sequence 4

Repeat Vinyasa 4

Step Forward Uttanasana
Roll up to Standing

Partner Heart Opening at Wall

3 Partner Drop Backs

Squat Stretching
Happy Baby
Easy spinal Twisting


Monday, February 15, 2010

Yin Yoga and Meditation, Monday 7pm

7 Peeps

Attention to opening svadhisthana and ajna root for the parasympathetic nerves.

Supine with Awareness
baby Neck Work

Baby Tailbone Work
(took 16 minutes)

Roll up to Sitting

Butterfly, 5 minutes

Swan, 5 minutes
Sit, 1 minutes
Swan, 5 Minute
Sit, 2 minutes

Yang Locust, 1 minute
Repeat Locust, 1 minute

Sphinx or Seal, 5 minutes

Childs Pose

Saddle, 5 minutes

Rest Supine, 2 minutes

Snail or Caterpillar, 3 minutes

Rest, 1 minute

Roll up to Sitting

Little Seated Spinal Twist Both Sides

Sit, 15 minutes
Optional Savasana or keep Sitting, 5 minutes

Sweet Vinyasa Yoga, Monday 8:30

The Jam Session this weekend was from another planet.   When I got to the studio this morning, it felt a zillion miles away.  There was no way to tap into it, but maybe I was just tired. As I recreate this sequence from memory tonight I am not sure that I have it totally correct.  Feel like I am missing a Section...

18 Peeps
4 Drop Ins

Yin Butterfly
Revolving Head to Knee Pose

Roll up to Standing

Shoulder Rotation to
Swamp Monster and Hallelujah
Discussion about the breath and alignment

Neck Opening with Wise Guy and Shoulder Opening

Sun to
Sequence 1




Step Forward to Uttanasana
Mouse Pose Prep
Complete Sun to Standing

Sun to

Sequence 2
Crescent Moon with Hammock
Hamstring Stretch with Back and Tailbone Awareness
3 Legged Dog

Rounded Plank

Repeat Sequence 2

Vinyasa 1
Rounded Plank to Cobra
Windshield Wiper
Rocket Cat

Watch Demo

and Repeat Vinyasa 1 From Dog


Step Forward Uttanasana
Mouse Pose

1/2 Chair


Sun to

Sequence 3
Swamp Warrior to Hallelujah Warrior
Warrior 3
Standing Splits
3 Legged Dog

Vinyasa 2
Rounded Plank to Updog
Down Dog

Repeat Sequence 3 Other Side

Vinyasa 2

Mouse Pose

Roll onto Backs for Happy baby

Bridge Pose
Wheel x 2

Hamstring Abdominals

Easy Spinal Twist

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Stiff White Guys Yoga, Sunday 10am

18 peeps
A few drop ins, but no one brand new

There was a request for post mardi Gras Yoga.
Too much drinking and dancing.

So we opened with:

Calf Torture
Arch Torture
and Toe Torture
Standing Forward Fold

Roll up to Standing

Hokey Pokey
Full Body Shaking

Lebowski Arm Circles

3 Rounds Lunge Salutes

Even Cowgirls Get the Blues x 2 Solo
With Partners
Again Solo

Plank to Down Dog to Childs x 2

Sphinx x 2 (with wise guy)
Roll onto Backs
Knees to Chest

Feet @ Wall
Knee to Chest
Happy Baby
Repeat Other Side

Repeat with Block under Sacrum to Feel Stretch in Psoas

Bridge x 2
Happy Baby

Easy Spinal Twist Both Sides


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Stiff White Guys Yoga Saturday @ 10:45am

16 Peeps

We began Standing which is unusual.  And sequence was not what I expected.

Roll up to Standing

Hokey Pokey Erich Schiffmann Style
Belly Tugging
Full Body Shaking

Lebowksi Arm Circles

Warrior 2 Sequence
Twisting Prasarita Padotanasana
Roll up to Standing

Tree Pose x 2

Transititon to Earth

Knee to Chest and Happy Baby Each Side
with other FOOT on wall

Repeat with Block under sacrum to get psoas stretch at same time.

Bridge Pose

Full Happy Baby

Easy Spinal Twist


Soft Vinyasa Yoga Saturday 9am

18 peeps
Several Drop Ins

Similar sequence as Wednesday which feels kind of like a non sequence.  There is no peak, more a sequence to allow for the talking points to make sense and land in the body.  Similar talking points to Wednesday Night Yin Yoga.  Honoring Marty Fujita, Sutra 2.3, and Zen Master Hyang's 3 requirements: 1) Great Faith, 2) Great Doubt and 3) Great Perseverance

Sukhasana with Foreword Fold and Side bending

Roll onto All Fours

Easy Side Plank
Childs Pose



Vinyasa 1
Rocket Cat


Roll up to Standing

Sun to 

Sequence 1

Repeat Sequence 1 Other Side

Vinyasa 2
Little Cobra to Locust to Cobra
Rocket Cat

Malasana towards Mouse
Roll up to Standing

Sun to
Sequence 2
Twisting Lunge
Side Angle

Rounded Plank

Repeat Sequence 2 Other Side

Vinyasa 3

Rounded Plank to Cobra
Rocket Cat


Mouse Pose
Roll up to Standing


Sun to
Sequence 3
Side Angle Blueprint
Side Triangle
Side Angle
3 Legged Down Dog

Vinyasa 4

Rounded plank to Updog

Repeat Sequence 3

Repeat Vinyasa 4

Mouse Pose

Roll up to Standing

Sun to
Sequence 4
Side Angle Blueprint
Open Triangle
Wrapped Triangle
Wrapped Side Angle Pose
3 Legged Dog to Revolved Dog

Vinyasa 4

Repeat Sequence 4

Vinyasa 4

Childs Pose
(HAM internally)
1/2 Lord of the Fishes Pose
Cowface pose

Repeat Other Side

Favorite Forward Fold


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Yin Yoga and Meditation, Monday 7pm

8 Peeps

Began by speaking of Marty's death.  Talk became about Avidya and the 4 branches. 

Butterfly, 6 minutes

Swan or Box, 5 minutes
Pause with Legs Wide
Repeat Other Side

Yang Locust, 1 minute

Sphinx or Seal, 5 minutes

Lunge, 4.5 minutes
Rest Childs
Repeat Other Side

Childs Pose

Lying Spinal Twist, 4.5 minutes
Repeat Other Side

Sit, 10
Continue to Sit or Savasana for 10 minutes

Sweet Vinyasa Yoga, Monday @ 8:30am

17 Peeps

I started my cycle this morning which made me kind of spacey.  So spacey I forgot to record it.  Through the whole class I was a little uncertain and separate.  The talking points and instructions focused on grounding through awareness.

Sukhasana Foreword Fold and Chest Press

Transition onto All Fours
Easy Side Plank Both Sides
Childs Pose


Lunge Other Side

Vinyasa 1
Rocket Cat


Roll up to Standing

Sun to Lunge

Sequence 1
Twisting LungeBlueprint Side Angle

Repeat Sequence 1 Other Side

Vinyasa 2
Baby Cobra to Locust to Cobra
Rocket Cat

Malasana to Mouse Pose
Roll up to Standing

Sun to
Sequence 2
Blueprint Side Angle
Side Triangle
Side Angle Pose
3 Legged Dog

Repeat Sequence 2 Other Side

Rounded Plank

Vinyasa 3
Rounded Plank to Cobra
Rocket Cat

Roll up to Standing

Sun to
Sequence 3
Blueprint Side Angle
Open Triangle
Wrapped Triangle
Wrapped Side Angle Pose
3 Legged Dog

Repeat Vinyasa 3

Repeat Sequence 3 Other Side

Vinyasa 4
Rolling Plank to Updog

Roll up to Standing

Sun to
Sequence 4
Side Angle Blueprint
Open Triangle
Wrapped Triangle
Half Moon Pose
Standing Splits
3 Legged Dog

Vinyasa 4

Repeat Sequence 4

Vinyasa 4

Childs Pose

Seated Spinal Twist to Cow Face
Repeat Other Side

Favorite Forward Fold



Saturday, February 6, 2010

Stiff White Guys Yoga Saturday @ 10:45am

22 peeps
4 Drop Ins

We barely did a thing.  Started to bring the awareness to the nostrils.  There were some questions that allowed me to try to explain the point.

Impressing the Heart
Windshield Wipers
Tailbone Awareness
Eye of the Needle Both Sides

Roll up to Sitting

Sukhasana with Side Bending
Transition to Standing

Roll up

Opening the bottom of Feet On Bricks

Attention to the Nostrils

Opening Shoulders at the Wall
Splat Pose

Little Tree Both Sides
Roll up

Tree Both Sides

Transition to Earth

Roll onto Backs
Bridge Pose
Easy Spinal Twist


Soft Vinyasa Yoga, Saturday 9am

17 peeps

Shared a lot about SF and the Yoga Journal Conference.  Shared my questions that I am holding.  Shared my enthusiasm.  And slowly through this class shared the transition of noticing that I want to be a yoga teacher.  It felt a little risky cuz it must seem so odd, but if someone knows what I am talking about, then there is a connection.

The pattern is very similar to what we had been doing before I left.  Nothing we explored this weekend is really integrated except for the Angela stuff so nothing can really be shared honestly yet.

Yin Butterfly
Revolving Side Angle Pose


Roll up to Standing

Arm Prana Tapping
Heart to Palm Prana Extension

Sequence 1

Sun to Lunge
Lunge Other Side
Complete Sun up to Standing

Sequence 2
Sun to Lunge
Twisting Lunge

Lunge other Side
Twisting Lunge

Complete Sun up to Standing

Utthita Tadasana
Sun to
Sequence 3
Crescent Moon
3 Legged Dog

Repeat Sequence 3 Other Side

Vinyasa 1
3 Rounds Dips
Baby Cobra to Locust to Cobra
Windshield Wipers
Rocket Cat

Roll up to Standing

Sun to
Sequence 4
Warrior 2 Dance
Warrior 2
3 Legged Dog

Vinyasa 1

Repeat Sequence 4 Other Side

Side Plank
Side Plank Other Side

Vinyasa 2
3 Rounds Chatarunga
Baby Cobra to Locust to Bow

Roll onto Backs
Knees to Chest

Set up for Bridge
HAM internally
Bridge x 2

Eye of the Needle to Eagle Wrap Twist on Both Sides
Repeat Other Side



Help of Ojai Yoga Class, Thursday 11am

12 Peeps

First class back teaching since home.  In fact, just rolled back in the morning of the class.  I forgot to blog this out till now, so a little from memory.

Supine with Attention to Imprint (inspired by Tias)
Windhesild Wiper
Eye of the Needle

Roll up to Sitting
Sukhasana Side Bending

Transition to Standing
Roll up to Standing

Opening Feet on the Brick

Attention to breath in the Nostril

Shoulder opening @ Wall


Get Chairs
Down Dog on Chairs a few times

Plank Play

(some dialougue around eyes of the elbows)

Down dog to Up Dog Play

Put Chairs Away

Transition to Earth
Knees to Chest

Restorative Spinal Twist


Friday, February 5, 2010

Jill Miller. Breathe in and Bliss Out. Friday Night.

Jill Miller Friday Night

Jill Miller is such a great teacher.  Tonight's workshop was one of my favorite classes I have ever taken.  Her instruction is clear, concise and full of humor.  Her depth of anatomical knowledge can deepen as far as you can.  And because she has developed most of the techniques she is teaching, they transmit.

Tonight was called, "Breathe in, Bliss Out", but we only did that for the last 20 minutes.  The rest of the workshop should have been called, Get in There and Feel the Suffering.
We used small rubber balls to get into the tight spots. This is basically what we did.

Opening 1
Constructive Rest Pose, she called it "Half Savasana"
Place the pair of balls at the Levator Scapulae.
Press up into Bridge Pose.
 - Chug (like a choo choo train getting ready to start_
 - Shimmy (like disco dancing)
 - Ad arm movements to shimmy
 - Psychic Steering Wheel Action with Arms

Remove balls and rest.

Opening 2 - 8
Again, 1/2 Savasana Pose
Balls from C7/T1 to T8
We placed balls at C7, with them touching
We moved through a variety of movements, eventually ending up with them at the T8.
Sometimes lifting buttock and rolling.
Sometimes attending to opening breath in thoracic.
Sometimes rolling them across the back.

Opening 9
"Beach Pose".  On back, resting on forearms with bent elbows and knees bent.
Place balls at T8 and roll them towards Sacrum, adjusting the balls back to center as necessary.

Bridge Breathing 1
From Half Savasana, Inhale arms over head and press up into Bridge.  Exhale release body and arms down.

Bridge Breathing 2
From Half Savasana, Inhale arms over head and press up into Bridge.  Stay in the position and exhale.  On empty, keep arms over head and roll backdow, experiencing the spontaneous uddiyana bandha.
This was super cool.

Neck and Jaw Opening
Starting in Half Savasana with a block as a pillow.

Occipital Opening
Using a Block as pillow, we placed the pair of balls at the Occipital, clasping them with our hands.
We played with small movements of "Yes" "No" and "the Stevie Wonder" to open and access the tight spots.

Sexy Neck
Rolling to one Side one one Ball we again made small movements

We placed the ball behind the ear "on the ear's shadow".
Again, yes, no and small movements

Repeat Sexy Neck and SCM on the other side.

We placed the ball under the cheekbone, near the ear and pressed.
Slow opening and closing of the Jaw.

Psoas Opening @ Wall
Round 1
Supine Apanasana.  ONe foot on wall and one knee bent into chest. 
Pranayama: active inhale, passive exhale

Happy Baby.  One foot on wall and one leg into 1/2 Happy Baby.
Pranayama: active kalabhati like exhale, passive inhale

Round 2
Repeat above with low brick under sacrum

Round 3
Repeat above with medium speed brick under sacrum

Jill timed us for about 30 seconds on each side, each round.

Yoga Nidra
Jill guided us through Yoga Nidra

Step 1: Fidget until comfortable and then stop fidgeting
Step 2: Attention towards breath in belly, count down from 40
Step 3: Guided attention through the body
- right thumb, through the fingers
- palm
- wrist
- forearm
- elbow
- upper arm
- shoulder
- whole arm

repeat with left arm

- right big toe to little toe
- sole
- heal
- whole foot
- ankle
- calf
- shin
- knee
- thigh
- hip
- whole leg

repeat with left leg

neck and skull?

then eventually chest
then belly
whole body (x3)

Step 4: Attention back to breath, Count down from 10

To awaken, deepen breath
Roll to a side and come up.

Yoga Journal Conference: Day 3, Session 3: Unwinding the Low Back with Tias Little

Unwinding the Low Back Tias Little -  
Course ID: M6LITTTherapeutic, Mixed Levels
Sunday, January 31 — 3:30pm - 5:30pm
Main Conference - Session 6
Eighty-five percent of our society suffers from low-back pain at some point in their lives. Typically this pain is caused by asymmetrical strain patterns, such as excess tightness on one side of the body. We'll release constriction in the lumbar and sacral areas through gliding, rocking, and stretching movements to unglue the tightness in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Practice and discussion.

Tias started by talking about the Sacrum.  
"Support for the entire torso"

"It is a lifelong practice to be balanced in the sacrum"

"To balance the cranium, we need to have balance in the sacrum."

He seemed to want to start with a slide show but the projector was misbehaving, so we practiced first.

Unwinding Practice

1. Slip and Slide
Lying supine, with knees bent.
Slide one knee forward and then the other knee forward, feeling the lateral movement in the sacrum.  Continue for about 2 minutes.

2. External Rotation
Again, lying with knees bent.
Allow one knee to drop open on exhale and bring back on the inhale.  Repeat other side and continue for about 2 minutes.

3. Internal Rotation
Again, lying with knees bent.
Allow one knee to drop in on Inhale and exhale to bring back to center.  Repeat other side and continue for about 2 minutes.

4. Rotation of Arms
Lying supine with knees bent and arms out to the side from shoulders.
Internally and externally rotation the arms with breath.  About 1 minute.

5. Simple Twist
Start Supine with Knees Bent.
In exhale, allow knees to drop to one side.  Return them to center in Inhale and bring to opposite Side on Exhale.  Continue, about 1 minute.

6. Simple Twist with Arm Rotation with Head Turn.
Combine 5 and 6 and eventually add a head turn.  Moving with breath and for an extended period of time.

7. Eagle Twist with Arm Rotation and Head Turn
- Still Supine
- Wrap Legs in Garundasana, allow arms to be open to sides.
- With Breath, allow legs to drop to one side on Exhale and come back to center on Inhale.
- Continue to the Same Side.
- Eventually ad the rotation of the arms
- Eventually ad the rotation of the head
- Rest and Repeat Other Side, building slowly in stages.

8. Hamstring Psoas Sequence
Stage 1
- Lie on Right Side, with right arm under head for support, knees bent at 90 degree angle.  Left arm extended across body on floor on right.
- Inhale left arm up to sky and exhale allow it to open back to left.  Inhale up to sky and exhale, allow it to rejoin right arm.  Continue this 3 x or so to establish rhythm.

Stage 2
Still on right side, extend bottom right leg straight.  
Extend top left leg towards left hand on the right side.
With breath move left leg from left hand to back of body into a bent knee hamstring flexion shape and back again to the left hand.  Continue.

9. Abdominal Curls
Start supine on back with knees bent.  With hands wrapped behind head,  on the exhale, as the tailbone curls under, enhance the action with an abdominal curling up and elbows wrapping.  On the Inhale, enhance the action with opening of elbows, tailbone arch and and neck arch.  Repeat 10+ times.

10. Extended Slip and Slide
Lying supine in extended fashion.  Extended and stretch one side and then the other, feeling the lateral movements of the sacrum.

Slide SHOW and Talking points

Tias showed slides to draw our attention the sacrum and the sciatic nerve.
"Stretching the  hamstrings, stretches the nerve tissue."

"Nerves can get longer and less compressed"
"Piriformis syndrome is the nerve entrapment of the sciatic"

"Tailbone not meant to be sat on."
Avoid "shlumpasana"
"When learn how to position low back in the body, its effective for reducing strain."

"Sacrum is tied in with strong, fibrous ligament webbing"

"most people not balanced"
"most of us are pulled to one side"
"Sacrum navigates forces horizontally and vertically"

"Like a Keystone"
Tias is fascinated with the diagonal lines.  
"Pay attention to the diagonal forces in walking"

"Common that one side of pelvis is tighter than other"
"psoas is crucial to lower back."

"health of colon is crucial"
Apana is the downward flowing vayu
and "it is common for colon to be stagnant because of sitting, history of trauma, nutrition or spastic nerves and stagnation like in I.B.S."

"Sacrum and Colon are linked.  Mobility of sacrum and mobility of colon are linked because they share the same facial sleeve."

"Your bowel movements determine your health"
"Also the prostrate gland, uterus, bladder."

Notice that when your back cracks or pops, it is usually the same way.  This demonstrates the imbalance.

Net of endo-pelvic fascia

"So when on hip is tighter than the other, it pulls the whole inside off"

"Usually uterus not balanced in center either."

"If you have tipping, effects everything including mensuration, menopause, fertility."

"The fertility industry is bigger than the yoga industry"

"Importance of aligning the organ bodies for health

The homework;: Do you have gluing in the internal organs?

Some Asana tips:
- backbends are helpful for hamstring pulls because the heal shorten the muscle fibers and heal the over stretch
- balancing hips and sacrum for external rotation of hip for post natal sciatica

- We focused a great deal on find a downward facing dog that allowed the top of the sacrum to draw in without dropping the ribs.
- Demo of Dog Pose
- Dog Pose Several Times with knees bent 
- 2 Cobras
- 1/2 Virasana
- Sit or Savasana

You can connect more with Tias at:

Yoga Journal Conference, Day 3: Session 2: Nadi Sodhana with Angela Farmer and Victor van Kooten

Nadi Sodhana: Alternate-Nostril Breathing Angela Farmer & Victor van Kooten - Course ID: M5AFVVMixed Levels

Sunday, January 31 — 10:30am - 12:30pm
Main Conference - Session 5
With the help of internal awareness, gravity, and visualization, we'll uncover the ease and natural control of alternate-nostril breathing. There's no need to disturb the balance of the delicate nostril membranes by placing our fingers on our nose when trying to discover some of the many channels that connect breath to each and every part of our body. Breath awareness with some asana.

This workshop was designed to tap us into the subtle movement of prana through the nostril channels without the crushing action of pusing our fingers up against our noses.  I am in love with Victor and Anglea and do not take many notes when with them.  Also, I got to be with my pal Betsy who I am also completely in love with so I was too absorbed to pick up a pen.  But I captured some video and hopefully most of the experience.

"We are opening our awareness to what is happening anyway."

"Checking in takes you back inside"

"The breath stays with us all our lives."
"Touch and Receive."
"Sit in the back of the room, sit in the back of the nostrils and allow them to open like windows"

We played with partner work to assist each other open the channels to feel the flow of breath through the channels of the nose.  This was incredibly magnificent.  I am surprised I had the focus to film anything.

Their work is SO SUBTLE that I am not sure that these videos communicate very well.  Perhaps they mostly remind me of what we did.  You can learn more about Victor and Angela at:

The Shoulders

The Legs


Then we worked with partners, and I must not have been filming when I thought I was.  From the picture, you can see that one partner sits behind the other.  Then using their hands, they press down on the hips and rotate them out.  This gives such a sweet grounded feeling.  Then, playing with pressing more on one side and then the other, the seated partner is able to feel the channels open alternately depending on where the pressure is.  Very cool and profound. 

Yoga Journal Conference: Day 3, Session 1. Unwinding the Neck with Tias Little

Tias Little
Unwinding the Neck Tias Little - Course ID: M4LITTTherapeutic, Mixed Levels

Sunday, January 31 — 8:00am - 10:00am
Main Conference - Session 4
Neck pain frequently results in headaches, insomnia, jaw strain, and fatigue. We'll address the ways that neck tension is coupled with shoulder restriction and use nonforce techniques to unwind tension in the neck, particularly with spiral movements for the neck and shoulders. Practice and discussion.

Tias began with a brilliant dharma talk.  He translated "citta vritti" as "mind pain" and connected that our "pain in the neck" is really a pain in the mind.  The pressure of the mind gets lodged in our neck.

Referencing Zen Master Hyang's 3 essentials in practice:
1. Great Faith
2. Great Doubt
3. Great Perseverance of Effort

To miss one of the three is to have a stool with 2 legs.

Regarding Doubt.
Hyang means Big Doubt, not little doubt.
Little doubt is the small worry around being fat, or not good enough.

The temptation is to just live our life.
The suggestion is to step out of the routine of the self.
"By doubting, we are more free to be in the present moment."

Focus on what compels Us.
"Positive Doubting"

"When things are too precious, the neck is like china"
"Tyring to control our life, everything becomes brittle, vulnerable to strain"
"Stay loose in approach to the practice of life"

"Build the Witness"

"Nirodhaha is small stopping, not big stopping."

"Empty before we begin"
Expectations mount.

Tias has a wonderful command over the householder's burden and a tender ability to share the common stresses of daily life.

The Practice
We began Supine.
Taking Inventory of the impression our bodies were making in the earth.
Noticing the sides.  This was great.
"24 hour fundraiser" analogy.
I imagine that there are formal names for these movements and patterns, but I do not know ir remember them.

1. Neck Pressing
Gently tucking the chin and pressing the back of head towards floor for 5 seconds and rest.  Continue, repeating the pressing and resting.  Maybe about 10+ times.  Pace was relaxed and easy.

2. Neck Arching
Gently opening the front of neck to create cervical curve and pressing for 5 seconds and rest. Continue, repeating the pressing and resting.  Maybe about 10+ times.  Pace was relaxed and easy.

3. Head Turning
Turn head to side and press for 5 seconds, return to center and rest.  Repeat other side.  Continue side to side.  Maybe about 10+ times.  Pace was relaxed and easy.

4. Tailbone Awareness
Similar to what we do at Lulu's.  Starting with small movements in the tailbone, eventually drawing more attention to and enhancing the movements in the neck.  Slow pace, at least 2 minutes or so.

5. Abdominal Curls
Building off of the Tailbone and Neck Movements, Tias added the addition of the arms.  With hands wrapped behind head,  on the exhale, as the tailbone curls under, enhance the action with an abdominal curling up and elbows wrapping.  On the Inhale, enhance the action with opening of elbows and neck arch.  Repeat 10+ times.

6. Obliques
Same as above, but moving side to side.

Transition onto Backs

7. Bent Elbow Lift
Lying supine with Arms bent at elbows.  Inhale, lift one elbow off floor.  Exhale to lower.  Repeat, alternating sides. 

8. Arm Extension, and Neck Turn 
- Lying supine with Arms bent at elbows.  Bend left knee and keep left right straight.
- Start on Right Side.
- Begin by extending the arm over head on the inhale and bringing it back on the exhale.  Eventually add the turning of the head to look up at the hand on the Inhale and back center on the exhale.  
- Rest and set up and repeat for other side

9. Knee Twist
Still lying supine in the same shape, practice coordinating the drawing of bent knee across the body on the inhale and release back to starting point on exhale.  Do this many times on both sides.

10. Arm Extension, and Neck Turn and Knee Twist
Combine the movements from 8 and 9.  
So, as arm extend up over head, neck turns to look at arm and knee twists over to opposite side.

11. Wrapped Elbow Side Twist
- Lying supine, hold onto elbows and hold elbows in front of body.
- Draw elbows across the body side to side
- Add the turning of the head in the opposite direction, looking under your shoulder "for a small ant"

12. Big Forearm Circles
- Starting in the same position as above, hold gaze steady at the forearms.
- Begin to make circles with the elbows, following them with the eyes.
- Allow circles to get really big, over head and down towards the belly.

We transitioned towards a selection of familiar asanas to apply the neck truing movements.
I chose to sit and write out the above sequence instead.  So I was not paying very close attention.

I joined in at the end for the seated forward fold and final sit.

You can connect more with Tias at: