Thursday, March 25, 2010

Help of Ojai Yoga Class, Thursday 11am

This has become one of my most favorite classes.
In many ways it is "cutting edge" for me in the way I teach and share.

This class video will be posted here soon:

I spoke of Sutra 1.1 and made an effort to hold the space to teach the Sanskrit.  WE also played with Sutra 1.2.  Talk was mostly on how what we are doing is preparation to assist in the miracle of Yoga.

Supine, knees bent
Attention to the Sacral Chakra
Gentle Belly Breath and Awareness of the Water Element

Windshield Wipers

Tailbone Awareness
Eye of the Needle with Tail Awarness

Transition to Sitting

Sutra 1.1 Discussion

Sukhasana with Side, BAck and Foreward Bending

Transition to Standing
Easy Uttanasana

Schiffmann Hokey Pokey
Full Body Shaking
Heart Prana Pounding
Heart to Hand Extenstion

Tadasana with Chakra Element Play

3 Rounds of Lunge Salutes with 2 Crescent Moons

Childs Pose

Plank to Dog
Childs Pose

Easy SIde PLank Both Sides
Childs Pose

Plank to Side PLank Both Sides
DOg Pose

Rest on Belly, Windhseild WIper

Reverse PRayer SHoulder Opener, 3 minutes
Repeat Other Side

Knees to Chest
Easy Spinal Twist of Choice


1 comment:

Lisa said...

i'm pretty impressed at how much you are able to put into the class--it really is inspiring to know how flexible and active we can aspire to be in our 80s :)