Wednesday, February 20, 2008

1:1 Monday, February 18

Client: Same heavy woman, smoker. This is our 3rd session.

She arrived and announced that she had lost 4 pounds since we started. That she notices that her diet has changed and she feels better than ever. As I have mentioned, this has become my favorite client. She reminds me of the magic of yoga. I was inspired to share aspects of the sequence that Tucker had taught us during the "Yoga for Life" Training.

We work together for 90 minutes.

Tailbone Movement and Breath Awareness
Hamstring Stretching with Strap

Transition to Standing

Breath Awareness
(Emphasis on learning how to bring the breath DOWN towards the sacrum)

Down Dog on Chair
1/4 Sun Salutations
Lunge Salutes with Chair
(This is vigourous. But herflexibility is strong and a little heat is good for a heavy set person).
She felt amazing after the sequence.

Standing Hip Openers with Chair
Shoulder Work at Wall

Standing Postures
Triangle at Wall with Chair Stage 1
Standing Forward Fold with Wall
Triangle at Wall with Chair Stage 2
Standing Forward Fold with Wall

Balance Play
Walking Balance
Side to Side Balance

Half Moon at Wall with Chair
Resting in between Sides

Spinal Twist in Chair 1
Forward Fold Between Legs
Spinal Twist in Chair 2
Forward Fold Between Legs

Transition to Floor

Windshield Wiper
Bridge 2 x
Legs on Chair


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