Sunday, February 24, 2008

Tuning In, Workshop 5, Sunday, 1 to 4pm

12 Peeps

I was a little nervous before the workshop. I was preparing to share some deep belly work which meant getting half naked in front of people and trying to communicate uddiyana bandha and it's subtleties. Always a new person shows up. I think it is the universe's attempt to make sure I do not chicken out.

I think it worked out. Ashley said it was one of her top 10 favorite lulu's class ever and everyone there seemed to get something out of it.

I shared about the practice of becoming a whole being and how the nooks and crannies of our being like to hang out and hide in the belly.

Start Supine with Knees Bent
Bring Awareness into sending breath into belly.
Slowly beginning to emphasize the exhale and then holding the exhale out for a few beats.

We rolled up to sitting and shared.
The experiences ranged from, "I felt deep peace and like I could be there forever" to "I felt panicked."

I then talked a little about Uddiyana Bandha, how I do and why. Then I demoed.

The group lay back down and gave it 3 or 4 tries. We rolled back up and discussed.

Easy Seated Spinal Twist with U.B. and awareness.

Rolled back down to check in Mula Bandha (i had left that out and wanted to pull it into the discussion).

Uppavista Konasana with side Stretch and Slow deliberate Play

Long Seated Lotus Prep Sequence riffed off of Erich Schiffmann's work


Dangling Forward Fold
Roll to Standing

Sanding U.B.
A few Rounds of just holds, then with pumping.

Extended Tadasana

Swamp Monster/Cactus Play
Standing Forward fold with Hands Clasped Behind Back

Sirsasna Standing Work
Dangling Forward Fold

Headstand Prep
3 Block Method at Wall

Headstand Play with U.B. and 1/2 Leg Lowering Work


Lotus Work on Backs
(Schiffmann Style with "Forward and Back")
Rolling up to Lotus or Half Lotus and Taking a Forward Fold

Headstand with Lotus or Legs up Wall with Strap
Eventually everyone ended up with Legs up the Wall

Restorative Spinal Twist
Restorative Back Bend


Quiet Sit

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