Friday, February 8, 2008

Yoga for Life Teacher Training, Day 2

9:30 to 11:00
Practice with Tucker

We joined Tucker's Regular gentle yoga class. I found myself encouraging the flexy peeps to try to feel the places before their edge. To connect with the feelings before their edge. To connect with what needs to be open to allow it to happen.

Here is the sequence we did:

Virasana on Block
Shoulder and Wrist Stretches

Transition onto Backs
Easy Hip Stretch
Bridge Pose with Coordination of Arms, Hips and Breath

Shoulder Opener on Bars with Blocks and Without
Spinal Twist in Chairs

Half the Class Hung from Ropes in Down Dog Sequence with Chairs
Half the Class Lay on Blocks to Open Heart

Switch Places

Spinal Twist in Chairs

Hamstring Stretch


1:00 to 4:00

1 Hour
Practice with me to guide an understanding of anatomy and being in their bodies.
This is designed to devleop autonomy and understnading within themselves to allow understanding of others.
We looked at anatomical pictures of spine, hips and shoudlers.
Then we did this practice:


Knees bent, feet as wide as mat, knees falling together
Compare with feet together, knees falling wide
Decide which feels better to you

I emphasized as a teacher how I am always trying to set up the possibility of someone trusting their own instincts and making me obsolete.

Right Knee into Chest, coordination of intensity with breath

Hip Rotation Understanding Sequence
Hamstring Stretch Sequence with Hip Awareness

Repeat Other Side

Transition to sitting.

Baddha Konasana Seat.
Play with tailbone and hips to establish understanding of the fact that drawing the tailbone under corresponds with the hips externally rotating and drawing the tailbone up corresponds with rolling the hips in.

Squat with Hip Awareness
Dangling forward fold

Roll up to standing

Side Stretch with Strap
Shoulder Openers
Shoulder Rotation Awareness

Kyphosis Awareness

Heart Meridian Opening
Chest Pounding
Arm Prana Awareness
1/4 Sun Variation

Forward Fold

Roll onto backs
Windshield Wiper

Rest with legs as desired


10 minute Break

2:20 Gather

Q an A

Then Tucker lead a practice with the focus on looking, understanding, where to offer support and where to offer space.

Eye of the Needle without Support
Look at 3 different Bodies and see where support might get offered

Eye of Needle at wall with external rotation and tipping
Hamstring Stretch @ Wall

Fell into Discussion for 20 minutes

Cross Legged Forward Fold
check in each side

Then Tucker offered the detail of foot flexing and blanket under hips and head on block.

I had to make an announcement in the change in schedule before we closed. I made it assuming that everyone understood the sked. My mistake. Cuz all it did was cause confusion, I got to witness my annoyance with that.



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