Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Yoga Basics, Wednesday @ 5:15pm

10 Peeps

I am still in the process of trying to convey how to tap into and feel and source the subtle energies. So far I have been focusing on directing the breath and using it to access the currents. Since Sunday's workshop, I am feeling into introducing the bandhas even into the basics classes. Slowly navigating these waters.

Start Supine
Breath Awareness
Low Back and Sacrum Awareness

Exhale Kumbhaka
(This is my attempt to start to work peeps up towards uddiyana bandha)

Hamstring Stretch

Transition onto all fours

Cat/Dog with tailbone awareness
Cat/Dog with specific breath awareness (front and back of body)


Roll up to Standing

Transition to Wall
Splat and Right Angle to understand breathing down the front and back of body.

Wide Stance on Mat
Leg Channel Awakening with "squeezing" and "pressing"
Prana focus in legs
(A little introduction to mulabandha)

Arm Tapping to wake of Arm Channels
Chest Tapping, stages 1 thru 3 with Sound
Arm Prana Extension Energy Work

1/4 Suns

Warrior 2 Dance with Breath and Prana Awareness
Wide Leg Forward Fold

Breath/Nadi and Feet and Nostril Awareness

Warrior 2
Side Angle Pose
Triangle Pose
(Repeat Other Side)

Wide Leg Forward Fold

Transition to Earth

Paschimottanasana with Strap and Blanket
(Focus on Tailbone Action and Breath Awareness)

Revolved Head to Knee Pose
Seated Spinal Twist
(Repeat Other side)

Paschimottanasana with Strap and Blanket
Focus on Tailbone Action and Breath Awareness

Supported Heart Opener


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