Wednesday, April 9, 2008

1:1 Wednesday, April 8

New Client
String of Amazingly Difficult Life Events for the last 3 years. She is probably about 50.
First time she is making the steps into feeling and unraveling.
I felt honored to do my best to meet her, and prayed for guidance.
She had asked for a restorative yoga session, but I kept getting the hit to have her move a little bit more. I hesitated cuz she is an amazingly strong woman under the recent beating and I wanted to honor her request, but when we finally moved a bit in the hip rotation awareness exercise, it was the turning point of the session.

As she told me her story, I worked her feet and legs with the Thai Yoga Massage Skills taught to me by Saul David Raye.

Breath Awareness Exercise
I place my hands on her belly for 3 minutes, lower ribs for 3 minutes, upper side ribs for about 2 minutes, upper chest for about 2 minutes and back of neck for about 2 minutes.

Legs up Wall
Wide and Strapped

Hip Rotation Awareness
(This was awesomely powerful)

Neutral Hip Awareness

Supine Baddha Konasana
(I thumbed in between her ribs and rubbed her heart and beat a little on her chest. She said it could give you the will to live again.)

Fetal Pose


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