Sunday, April 6, 2008

Stiff White Guys, Sunday 10am

10 Peeps
Mostly Regular.
I geeked out in my practice this morning and arrived planning to share. I was prepared to change gears but it was a small enough class that it really made sense.

Hip Rotation Awareness
Eye of Needle Play
Both Sides.

Transition to All Fours

1/3 Dog
Rounded Back

Roll up to Standing

Uddiyana Bandha Play
Breath Retention, Navel Lock and Kriya

Decided to geek out on hips rotation to create the "stable base for backbends." So placed block between thighs and dialed in the simultaneous effort of inner thighs rolling in with descent of tailbone.

Ujayyi Breath Awareness

Made the attempt to connect the Anatomy of Breathing Down the Back of the Body and Front of the Body with the Alignment of Tailbone and Pubis...I think I was clear. It is so subtle and geeky but everyone seemed to get it.

1/4 Suns

Lunge Salutes
(skipping the plank/cobra section)

Spine, Breath and Prana Awareness
Dialing in the ability to bring the breath/prana up the spine or down the spine.

Sun to Dog
to Childs Pose

Backbend Actions
Transition onto Belly
Sphinx 2x with Block between thighs to create the action of the Base.
Rocket Cat

Moving Towards Ustrasana
(without actually getting there)

Kneeling at Wall to Establish "Base" from Kneeling
(coordinating the internal rotation of the inner thighs with the descent of the tailbone and lengthening and lifting of chest)
Standing Forward Fold @ Wall

Cactus Arms Standing @ Wall 2x to get the sense of lifting up

Kneeling In front of Wall, Using Cactus Arms @ Wall to create big lift out of pelvis. 2 x.
Standing Forward Fold

(At this point I thought I was going to do the Ajna Chakra Meditation, but just did not reveal itself to be right).

Windshield Wiper
Legs up Wall with Strap

Easy Spinal Twist


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