Sunday, May 31, 2009

SWG Sunday 10:00am

12 Peeps
1 Drop In

Practice focused on staying present with the spine throughout the postures.  Mixed Down Dog into the practice today.  Ajna Chakra meditation focused on drawing prana up the spine and allowing into to wash back down again.

Heart Opener on 2 Bricks. See Yoga Video.
Windshield Wiper
Pelvis Rocking. See Yoga Video.
The Shimmy. See Yoga Video.

Eye of the Needle with Pelvis awareness to Hamstring Stretch with Strap
Both Sides

Rock up to Sitting and Transition to All Fours.

Dog Sequence 1
Childs Pose

Dog Sequence 2
Childs Pose

Show use of Blocks to create more Room to Step From Dog to Lunge
(Almost everyone opted for this)

Repeat Dog Sequence 2 with Blocks if Useful.

Roll up to Standing

Tadasana with emphasis on finding the necessary stability and releasing the grip around the spine

Wide Leg Forward Fold 

Warrior 2 Sequence 
(With emphasis on being in the water of the spine)
Warrior 2 Dance to Warrior 2
Crescent Moon
Roll up to Standing

Repeat Warrior 2 Sequence Other Side

Repeat Warrior 2 Sequence Both Sides
Childs Pose

Vajrasana Ajna Meditation sitting on 2 blocks

Supported Bridge Pose to Viparitta Karni
Windshield Wiper


Saturday, May 30, 2009

SWG Saturday 10:45am

8 Peeps
1 Drop in

Emphasis on the pelvis and spine.  Understanding how to relax the grip in the core.  Opening of hips to Tree.  Mild Inversion with Supported Bridge.

Heart Opener on 2 Bricks. See Yoga Video.
Windshield Wiper
Pelvis Rocking. See Yoga Video.
The Shimmy. See Yoga Video.

Eye of the Needle with Pelvis awareness
Roll up to Sitting

Sukahsana with Foreward Fold and Side Bend (Both Sides)

Roll up to Standing


Wide Legged Forward Fold

Warrior 2 Dance to Both Sides
Wide Leg Forward Fold

Warrior 2 Dance to Both Sides with Hold
Wide Leg Forward Fold
Roll up

Little Tree Both Sides
Tree Both Sides

Transition to Earth

Bridge Pose
Bridge Pose with Bricks to Supported Viparitta Karni

Rest in Opening BK


Soft Vinyasa Saturday 9am

14 Peeps
5 Drop Ins

The play of stability and ease.  Using the strap and block to create some memory and then focusing on relaxing the spine in a variety of postures. Moved towards headstand with an emphasis on relaxing the grip.

Sukhasana Pelvis Awareness
Foreward Fold and Side Bend
(Repeat Other Side)

Widening the Base. See the Yoga Video.
Simultaneous Opposites. See the Yoga Video.

Roll up to Standing

Bound Tadasana with Shoulder Opening and Utkatasana.
Similar to this Yoga Video.

Tadasana san Equipment with an emphasis on finding the stability to relax the spine.


Sequence 1
Sun to Lunge

Repeat Sequence 1 Other Side

Sphinx Vinyasa
Easy Side Plank Both Sides
Childs Pose

Step Forward Uttanasana

Sequence 2
Sun to Lunge
Warrior 1 Geek Out
Twisting Lunge
3 Legged Dog

Locust 2 Vinaysa

Repeat Sequence 2 Other Side

Locust 2 Vinyasa

Side Plank Both Sides

Locust 3 Vinyasa

Childs Pose

Vajrasana with Shoulder Awareness
Shoulder Opening with Brick

Headstand Play

Childs Pose


Bridge Pose with Bricks

Easy Spinal Twist


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sweet Vinyasa, Wednesday 8:30am

17 peeps or So
2 Drop Ins

Play with the leg lines and Spinal Awareness towards Wheel. Attention to creating stability in legs to allow the spine to relax and feel liquid. Talking points on the creation of tension for stability.

Sukhasana Forward Fold and Side Bend.

Widening the Base. See the Yoga Video.
Simultaneous Opposites. See the Yoga Video.

Roll up to Standing

Bound Tadasana with Shoulder Opening and Utkatasana.
Similar to this Yoga Video.

Tadasana san equipment with Shoulder Opening and Utkatasana.

Sequence 1
Sun to Lunge
Low Lunge
Crescent Moon

Repeat Sequence 1 Other Side

Sphinx Vinyasa
Windshield Wiper
Rocket Cat

Easy Side Plank Both Sides
Rocket Cat

Step Forward Uttanasana

Sequence 2
Sun to Lunge
Warrior 1
(Play in Warrior 1)
Twisting Lunge

Locust 1 Vinyasa
Locust 1
Windshield Wiper
Rocket Cat
All Fours

Side Plank Both Sides

Locust 2 Vinaysa

Repeat Sequence 2 Other Side

Locust 2 Vinaysa


Thigh Torture Pose Both Sides
Camel Teasing at Wall

Bridge Pose
Upward Facing Bow Pose at Wall x 2

Legs Up Wall
Eye of the Needle at Wall

Stay with Legs up Wall or Transition to Savasana


Sweet Vinaysa, Monday 8:30am

10 Peeps or so.

I forgot to blog it out after class.

We worked the leg lines and the tailbone towards Handstand Play.
Wheel at the Wall.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

SLO Workshop, May 24: Day 2

I was so delighted to get to play with many of the same people. There were a few new faces but mostly a continuation.

I had a big morning. I decided to lay low, sleep in, make some breakfast and go the beach instead of join a pal for a hike. The shift in routine and the guidance to take it easy allowed a giant insight to come in. A world rocker of one. But I had the capacity to put it to the "side" and prepare for the workshop.

The plan was to create some stability in the legs, meld it with the easy in the spine that we had discovered and move towards drop backs. I found a little more of my voice today. But still, I am rusty with sharing succintly in this format. I had a great time this weekend. I hope they will have me back.

Sukhasana with Spine Work to Forward Fold to Side Bend (Switch Legs and Repeat)
Repeat Side Bend to Both Sides

Sit for about 10 minutes.
I did not say much.

Widening the Base
Simultaneous Opposites
(Yoga Online Video 1 and 2 of this series)
(Creating the memories of tension to create stability)

Cowboy Negotiation
Roll up to Tadasana

Bound and Strapped Tadasana (See Online Yoga Video)
with Utkatasana and Shoulder Opening

Spine Attention

Sequence 1
Sun to Lunge
Crescent Moon

Repeat Sequence 1 Other Side

Sphinx Play
Rocket Cat

Step Forward Uttanasasa

Sequence 2
Sun to Lunge
Crescent Moon with Hammock

Repeat Sequence 2 Other Side

Sphinx Play with extra Details
Rocket Cat
Childs Pose

Step Forward Uttanasana

Warrior 1 Geek Out
2 Rounds
(I was delighted with this cuz several peeps shared what they have found out and discovered. There were questions. And there was recognition that there is no one way).

I was using Warrior 1 to play with those leg tension patterns and attention to the spine in a more complex place than supine or sitting in prep for dropping back. Grounding through the legs and allowing the spine to feel watery.

Partner Hallelujah Assistance at Wall
Thigh Torture Pose at Wall
Ustrasana Play at Wall

3 Partner Drop Backs

There was a little room to assist a few peeps one on one.

Squat Partner Stretch

Hamstring Stretching with Strap (Towards, Out and Over and Curl)


Sit for 10

Saturday, May 23, 2009

SLO Workshop, Saturday, May 23 Day 1

Lisa Pitelli of Smiling Dog Yoga invited me to teach a 2 day workshop this weekend. I went though the usual nervousness around sharing what I am actually working on, but eventually did what Uma says to do and "Gave it Up to God." Lisa and I went on a walk on the beach and arrived 1 minute before the start time which was a little funny but worked out fine.

I do not have the ground solid enough with a new group to clearly and easily share "my talking points". It feels a 1/8 of what I want to communicate gets voiced. My voicebox gets silenced in these situations...

I had so much fun. We barely did anything.

Yin Baddha Konasana
cuz i was late i needed a way to see the bodies quickly, this pose reveals so much

Heart Opener on 2 Bricks
Windshield Wiper
pelvis Rocking
Eye of the Needle with Pelvis Awareness

Sukhasana with Pelvis Awareness and Foreword Fold Both Sides
(I had expected to share more hear, but stuck with the asana and the experience doing the work for me).

Easy Side Plank Both Sides
Childs pose
1/2 Dog


Sequence 1
Twisiting Lunge

Repeat Sequence 1 Other Side

Sphinx Play to Understand the Tailbone

Rocket Cat

Roll up Tadasana


Standing Sequence 1
sun to
Side Angle Set Up
Side Triangle
Side Angle

Rolling Updog Vinyasa Play
with Demo

repeat Standing Sequence 1 Other Side

Roll up Tadasana


Standing Sequence 2
Sun to
Side Angle Set Up
Open Triangle
Wrapped Triangle
Wrapped side Angle
Low Hip Opener
3 Legged Dog

Rolling Updog Vinaysa

Repeat Sequence 2 Other Side

Rolling Updog Vinyasa

Childs Pose

Shoulder Play
Shoulder Play with Bricks

Headstand Prep
Headstand Play

Vajrasana Ajna Chakra Meditation

Bridge with 2 Bricks and a Blanket
Viparitta Karni Play


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Teaching Yoga B Side; 2nd Weekend. Day 3

Chose Forward Fold (10 Minutes)
Bound Supported Bridge Pose (20 minutes)
Starfish Pose on wood floor (10 minutes), listened to Sweet Thing by Van Morrison

Discussion to pull the topics covered this weekend back in.

Began with talking about the practice and how some peeps felt more comfortable when they were bound than free.

The question of "Is there a difference to feeling relaxed and being relaxed" opened the discussion. This lead to a discussion around the apparent opposites of "diligent practice" and "surrender".

We spoke of the need to make small baby steps when we are wanting to change.

We spoke that when we no longer need affirmation from our students we will not put out so much of the energy that generates that type of "love". Classes might get smaller, but we will have ease in ourselves and more real juice to offer.

We spoke about private sessions.

We spoke about some other stuff.

We spoke about the point of yoga. That possibly the practice is not just about making your life better, but actually realizing the Self. And that as a group, sangha, we are in support of each other and working towards that possibility. I only first came to feel this on Thursday and voiced it for the first time with the group today.

The intimacy of the group allowed me to address each individual question and need. This was very cool. We had been 11 last time we gathered, and that felt intimate, but this even better.

Then we did a practice using chairs cuz one of the teachers needed some inspiration on how to work with her peeps.

A little touch work.

Closing Circle.

SWG Sunday 10:00am

8 Peeps

Requests: Sinus Relief and Relief for Hand Cramping
This class was kind of funny. When meeting requests, can sometimes feel a little hodgepodge.
Moved towards Plank and Downdog which I do not usually teach in SWG.

Heart Opener on 2 Bricks. See Yoga Video.
Pelvis Rocking. See Yoga Video.
Windshield Wiper
The Shimmy. See Yoga Video.

Roll up to Sukhasana with Side Bend

Transition to a Standing Forward Fold

Roll up to Tadasana

The Lebowski

Shoulder Openers with Strap

Wise Guy Sequence

Arm Prana Opening
Heart Prana Opening
Hand Prana Awareness

Transition to Wall
Right Angle
(Repeat Sequence with more geeky Details)

Down Dog at Wall x 2

Turn Around

Easy Side Plank
Plank to Dog to Childs Pose x 2
(i was wondering about moving towards Side Plank, but felt like a lot)

Sphinx Pose with Sinus Help x 2
Roll onto Backs

Eye of the Needle
Watering the Heart. See Online Yoga Video.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Teaching Yoga B Side; 2nd Weekend. Day 2

Today was hot and I knew 2 of the participants were going to be late so we started with a restful restorative practice.

Legs up the wall with hips on bolster and legs bound.
Rest in baddha konasana in front of bolster
Easy Spinal Twist with Hips on Bolster
Savasana with Bolster under thighs

Sit for 10 minutes

Gather and Connecte
We looked at the questions as all about the teacher student relationship.
So the first question we wrote was, "What are my hopes for/wants for /expectations of my students?"

Everyone wants the same thing. We all want them to feel better, feel connected, enjoy themselves, and "get it". And yet we are continually filled with anxiety that we are going to fuck that up and turn them off from yoga for forever. We looked a little deeper at this and discussed how our need for them to be having a good time is actually our need for affirmation that we are doing a good job because we are not at rest within ourselves. We spoke on this topic for a while.

I had them answer the question:
- Is there anyone in your life that you have expectations of. Write them down.

Then a few questions that i asked and they wrote in their journal were:

-Describe the last time you actually felt relaxed. What were the conditions? Can you recall the feeling?

This promoted one woman to notice that she had never felt relaxed in her adult life and opened the question up more to: Is there a difference between feeling relaxed and being relaxed?
We spent some time here, cuz the irony is that we are all yoga teachers and none of us are relaxed.

- What is something beautiful that you have recently seen? Can you remember the feeling?

- Can you describe an event/person/experience that recently made you sad? Can you access that sadness?

- What is something that recently resulted in a sense of joy? Can you still sip from that experience?

We continued to discuss this which lead to a brief discussion of needs and wants. We spoke of the muladhara and kama, artha, dharma and moksha. And how we cut it off and tune oursleves to the needs of others to ensure love.

- What are you needs/wants?

Then I assigned homework. Answer the question:
- Recall one of your most potent magical mystical experiences. Write it out in as much details as you can. (Notice the mind's tendency to want to belittle, couch or shrink it. Allow the mind to do it's thing without letting it win.)

And we switched gears completley.

Did a short 40 minute practice playing with creating tension for structure and support.
Checked in the beginning of these actions.

Then from Tadasana
Sun to Lunge Both Sides

Sun to Lunge
Low Deep Lunge with Back foot Still Wide
3 Legged Dog

Updog Vinaysa

Repeat Other Side
Rest Childs Pose

Trasition to Backs
Bridge x 1
Cosmic Rest

Then we hung for like 40 more minutes.
I am really getting the importance of coming together like this.
We talked about the Winter Solstice Retreat.
We played with it being silent for most of the day and then gathering and talking at night.

SWG Saturday 10:45am

13 Peeps
1 Drop In

Similar play as lately. Tuning to the spine. Slightly new finish with Wide Legged Seat and Side Bending.

Heart Opener on 2 Bricks. See Yoga Video.
Pelvis Rocking. See Yoga Video.
Windshield Wiper
The Shimmy. See Yoga Video.

Hamstring Stretching with Strap

Sukhasana with Spinal Awareness and Forward Folding

Transition to Standing Forward Fold
Roll up to Standing

2 Rounds Lunge Salutes

Wide Legged Stance with Pelvis Circles
Wide Legged Forward Fold to Hammock
Roll back up

Repeat Wide Legged Forward Fold to Hammock
Transition to Squat

Transition to Earth for Wide Legged Seat
(This is a really hard one for an SWG. So we do not do it usually.)
Side Bending x 2

Transition to Back
Bridge Pose with 2 Blocks to Viparitta Karni
Rest in Supported Baddha Konasana

Easy Spinal Twist


Soft Vinyasa Saturday 9am

13 peeps
1 Drop In

Similar practice as lately. Attention to the spine through the practice. I am getting ready to lead a sitting class, so I think I am prepping people. For Standing Poses, tuned 1st and 2nd chakra. After last standing sequence we tuned Heart, Ajna and Crown.

Heart Opener on 2 Bricks. See Yoga Video.
Windshield Wiper
Pelvis Rocking. See Yoga Video.
The Shimmy. See Yoga Video.

Roll up to Sitting
Sukhasana Forward Fold Both Sides

Transition to All Fours
Easy Side Plank Both Sides
Childs Pose
1/2 Dog

Sequence 1
Deep Low Lunge
3 Legged Dog

Repeat Sequence 1 Other Side

Sphinx Vinyasa

Step Forward Uttanasana
Roll up to Standing


Sequence 2
Sun to
Side Angle Blueprint
Side Triangle
Side Angle Pose

Rolling Updog Vinyasa

Repeat Sequence 2 Other Side

Rolling Updog Vinyasa

Step Forward Uttanasana
Roll up to Standing


Sequence 3
Sun to Lunge
Side Angle Blueprint
Open Triangle
Wrapped Triangle
Wrapped Side Angle (Bound Option)
Deep Low Hip Opener
3 Legged Dog
Revolved Dog

Rolling Updog Vinaysa

Repeat Sequence 3 Other Side

Childs Pose
Vajrasana sitting

Transition to Bridge with 2 Bricks
Viparitta Karni

Rest with Heart Opener and Supported Butterfly



Friday, May 15, 2009

Teaching Yoga B Side; 2nd Weekend. Day 1

Today to "prepare," Alana and Uschi and I hiked up to the swimming hole in Matilija Canyon. We swam and lay like salamanders on the hot rocks.

I was so excited to gather this evening. Without much understanding about what exactly we were going to do, I had a list of questions and an outline of ideas.

Turns out we are going to be focusing on the relationship between teacher and student.

We practiced and I shared some of the latest tailbone to base of skull awareness work that we have been doing in class as a preparation for sitting. About a 90 minute practice. A 10 minute sit. Savasana

We circled and shared.
I asked each member to essentially "check in".
Let us know what they had been up to since we last came together. What is happening with their teaching and what they are hoping to cover while together. I learn again that teachers need connection to other teachers. There is so much to gain just by listening to another teacher voice success, difficulty, struggles, questions, etc. We can all feel so totally alone out there. I hope that we can begin an online area to continue the discussion.

Some of the primary questions:
- How do I stop taking care of everyone? How do I soften feeling responsible for making sure they have a good time?
- How do I work with bigger sized bodies?
- How do I touch people more easily?
- How help people let their guard down?
- How do I teach in an environment that seems closed to who I really am?
- How do I get back to teaching when I am so busy surviving?
- How do I be more intimate with the group?
- How do I stay connected to my practice without it getting corrupted by the teaching?
- Is the teacher/student relationship the same outside of class as it is inside the class?
- How come I am experiencing resistance to yoga philosophy? How come I seem resistant to learning?
- How do I rest in myself with the students?
- How do I connect the yoga practice to something bigger without sounding stupid?
- How do I maintain peace when I am racing around like a maniac teaching classes and doing 5 other jobs?
- How do I balance my sense of total responsibility for my students with setting clear boundaries?
- What is expected of me in a private lesson?
- What is the notion of progress in yoga?
- How do I ensure my privates end on time?
- How do I manage feeling like I can never do enough.

I offered these questions to write out at home:
1. What is happening in your life right now that has most of your attention?

2.What have you been practicing and/ore teaching lately?

3. What have you been learning lately?

4. Recall and write about a recent serendipitous series of events that lead you to an unexpected discovery/situation?

5. Recall and write about a recent insight into yourself and how you operate. How did you respond to the new information? What have you since done with it?

We circled, sat and closed. Then nobody left and we continued to talk. heehee.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cutting towards Compassion

I got a negative comment today on this yoga video on MetaCafe.

The comment was:
This video is a near-perfect example of how Western hubris has infected the hatha yoga of India and turned it into a happy-talk fitness regimen for the well-heeled. If you practice what Ms. Ryder demonstrates here regularly, you will injured just as badly as she would be (that is, if she were actually foolish enough to practice it). This isn't yoga. This is New Age mediocrity. Poor alignment, poor biomechanical principles, poor execution, terrible instruction............... shall I go on?

It's kind of fun to allow these kind of comments to flood the doubt, insecurities, fear, defensiveness, numbing and inflation to the surface. The last negative comment I received was, "Too Bad her voice is so annoying."

I have come to understand that, with some exception, feedback often says more about the person giving it than the person receiving it. So particularly vicious feedback can be like a knife that opens your heart to the other person. And all you end of feeling is compassion. Interestingly enough, the commenter's name, kshurika is the name of one of the Upanishads. And means scissors, knife or sword.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sweet Vinyasa Wednesday 8:30am

10 Peeps

Similar as we have been doing. The emphasis is on starting to tune to the spine in the asana practice. This seems a very good way to start to prepare for sitting. The talk was around this task and allowing the subtle to become obvious by attending to it.

Heart Opener on 2 Bricks. See Yoga Video.
Pelvis Rocking. See Yoga Video.
The Shimmy. See Yoga Video.

Roll up to Sitting
Sukhasana with Forward Fold and Side Bending

Transition onto All Fours

Easy Side Plank Both Sides
Childs Pose
1/2 Dog

Sequence 1
Twisting Lunge

Repeat Sequence 1 Other Side

Rocket Cat

Step Forward
Roll up to Standing

Ujayyi Pranayama

Sequence 2
Sun to
Side Angle Blueprint
Side Triangle
Side Angle Pose

Rolling Updog Vinyasa

Repeat Sequence 2 Other Side

Rolling Updog Vinyasa

Step Forward Uttanasana
Roll up to Standing

Prana Palm Awareness

Sequence 3
Sun to Lunge
Side Angle Blueprint
Open Triangle
Wrapped Triangle
Wrapped Side Angle (Bound Option)
Deep Low Hip Opener
3 Legged Dog
Revolved Dog

Rolling Updog Vinaysa

Repeat Sequence 3 Other Side

Childs Pose
Vajrasana sitting

Bridge Pose with 2 Blocks and a Blanket

Supine Heart Opener with Supported Baddha Konasana


Monday, May 11, 2009

Sweet Vinyasa Monday 8:30am

10 peeps
1 Drop In

We have been working so geeky with the spine, decided to relax some of the building blocks and simply practice with attention on it. Straightforward sequence with no real peak. Emphasis on maintaining awareness on the spine in preparation for sitting.

Sit for about 5 minutes

Sukhasana with Forward Fold and Side Bend (Both Sides)

Transition all Fours
Easy Side Plank Sequence
Childs Pose
1/4 Dog


Sequence 1
Twisting Lunge

Repeat Sequence 1

Sphinx to Cobra
Rocket Cat

Step Forward Uttanasana
Roll up to Standing


Sequence 2
Sun to Lunge
Side Angle Blueprint
Triangle Pose
Side Triangle Pose
Side Angle Pose
3 Legged Dog

Rolling Updog Vinaysa

Repeat Sequence 2 Other Side

Rolling Updog Vinyasa

Step Forward Uttanasana
Roll up to Standing


Sequence 3
Sun to Lunge
Side Angle Blueprint
Open Triangle
Wrapped Triangle
Wrapped or Bound Side Angle
Low Deep Hip Opener
3 Legged Dog
Revolved Dog

Rolling Updog Vinaysa

Repeat Sequence 3
Rolling Updog Vinaysa

Childs Pose
Transition to Seat

Revolving Head to Knee Pose Both Sides
Soft Baddha Konasana

Transition to Earth
Bridge Pose x 2
Easy Spinal Twist


Sunday, May 10, 2009

SWG Sunday 10:00am

12 Peeps
2 Drop In

Similar group as last week so stuck with a similar theme. The idea of relaxing now. We did very little.

Heart Opener on 2 Bricks. See Yoga Video.
Pelvis Rocking. See Yoga Video.
Windshield Wiper
The Shimmy. See Yoga Video.

Hamstring Stretching with Strap.

Transition to Sukhasana.
Forward Fold.

Transition to Standing
Standing Forward Fold

Roll up to Standing

Tadasana with Interlaced Finger Shoulder Stretching and Ujayyi Breathing Pattern.
x 2

2 Rounds Lunge Salutes
Childs Pose
Sphinx x 3 with emphasis on tailbone to heart

Childs Pose
Bridge Pose
Bridge Pose with bricks to viparitta karni
Knees to Chest
Easy Spinal Twist Both Sides


Saturday, May 9, 2009

SWG Saturday 10:45am

13 Peeps
1 Drop In

Familiar group but a lot of diversity in physical ability and speed. I have a few cats that come to this class and getting up and down off the floor is a big deal. So there is some waiting time between, "come up to standing" and when everyone actually does. This is good for me. I tend to move too fast.

Heart Opener on 2 Bricks. See Yoga Video.
Pelvis Rocking. See Yoga Video.
Windshield Wiper
The Shimmy. See Yoga Video.

Hamstring Stretching with Strap

Transition to All Fours
Childs Pose

Easy Side Plank Both Sides
Childs Pose

From all fours to standing

Roll up to Standing

Tadasana with Shoulder Opening and Breath Awareness

2 Rounds Lunge Salutes
End in Childs Pose

Sphinx Pose x 2
Locust x 2

Transition onto Back
Bridge Pose x 2

Eye of the Needle with Pelvis Awareness both Sides
Easy Spinal Twist Both Sides

Cosmic Rest Pose

Soft Vinyasa Saturday 9am

15 Peeps
2 Drop Ins

Similar theme. Connection to the spine and using that as the focus through the practice. The talking points were on the possibility of "doing yoga Now...connecting Now." No real peak, just a continual focus on the spine.

Heart Opener on 2 Bricks. See Yoga Video.
Pelvis Rocking. See Yoga Video.
Windshield Wiper
The Shimmy. See Yoga Video.

Sukhasana Forward and Backward. See Yoga Video.

Transition to All fours

Easy Side Plank Both Sides
Childs Pose
1/2 Dog


Sequence 1
Twisting Lunge

Repeat Sequence 1 Other Side

Sphinx with Tailbone Heart Awareness
Rest. Windshield Wiper.

Rocket Cat.

Step Forward Uttanasana
Roll up to Standing

Spine Attention


Sequence 2
Sun to Lunge
(Similar to this Yoga Video, but with emphasis on spine)
Blueprint Side Angle
Side Angle
3 Legged Dog

Rolling to Upward Facing Dog Vinyasa

Repeat Sequence 2
Repeat UD Vinyasa

Step Forward Uttananasa
Roll up to Standing

Spine Attention
Awareness of Prana in Palms

Sequence 3
Sun to Lunge
Side Angle Blueprint
Open Triangle
Wrapped Triangle
Wrapped or Bound Side Angle Pose
Deep Hip Opener
3 Legged Dog
Revolved Dog

Roll into Upward Facing Dog
Roll back

Repeat Sequence 3
Repeat UD Vinaysa

Rest Childs

Transition to backs

Bridge Pose
Bridge Pose with Block to Viparitta Karni
Bridge Pose

Eye of the Needle to Eagle Twist Both Sides

Cosmic Rest Pose


Sunday, May 3, 2009

SWG Sunday 10:00am

10 Peeps
2 Drop ins

One of my favorite classes ever. The intimate group allows for so much care and attention to each person. We used similar techniques that we have been playing with, with lots of sensitivity towards the subtle currents. There was a conversation about attachment just before the class started, so that became the theme.

Open Heart on 2 Bricks

Pelvis Rocking

Sukhasana with Forward Fold and Chest Press

Transition All Fours
Easy Side Plank Both Sides
Childs Pose

Rocket Cat
Childs Pose

Roll up to Standing

Shoulder Openers and Ujayyi Breath Attention x 2

2 Rounds Lunge Salutes

Wide Leg Forward Fold

Warrior 2 Sequence
Warrior 2 Dance
Roll up to Standing

Repeat Warrior 2 Sequence Other Side

Palm Prana Ping Pong

Transition to Earth and Supine

Bridge Pose x 2
Cosmic Rest Pose

Easy Spinal Twist


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Uma at Lulu's. Saturday, May 2

Uma has a new format.
" A little dance, a little talk, a little chanting, a little dance..."
So totally delightful. I hope she stays with this and does it at the Crib. (oh no, i am attached!)

I stopped taking notes 2 classes ago. This was a great "decision" but what follows below is only what resonated with me and therefore more personal than accurate.

Today as I listened, I really heard her.
I understood and felt that I can make the leap at any moment into Joy.
I do not need to painfully untie each and every knot.
It does not have to be slow and progressive.
It can be now.
And WOW it is a wild spot to stand on the edge of cliff with that "awareness."

Yesterday, she almost demanded it. Do Yoga NOW. Connect NOW. Like for real. Like really. WOW. Such a difference.

Just as Amit has been saying, the "quantum leap has no intermediate steps." Uma is teaching us to "Leap into Joy". Her whole message is develop the capacity to stay there longer.

Kelly, Michael and John came and played instruments. So much fun!

Today she began with Ganesha.
We chanted and she danced and then lectured.

She again spoke of dance as a holy ritual with a mind of it own. She mentioned that the dance is for the Gods and so the Gods decide if it is going to happen or not. The right side of the "stage" is left clear to allow the Gods to come and they have to if you dance to them. The earth that is danced on becomes sacred. And all that are there are blessed.

After the dance she laughed that dancing on a full stomach is not easy, but Ganesha is sympathetic so made it easier.

She told the most beautiful sweet story of Ganesha and his brother Kartikeya (but she used a different name that I do not remember. You can read different versions of the story here.

Here is one:
Once Parvati asked her sons, Ganesh and Kartikeya to go around the earth in the shortest possible time. Kartikeya trotted out on his peacock on a world tour, while Ganesh stayed put at home, refusing to move out. Just as he got the news that Kartikeya was returning home....
Ganesh got up and circled his parents thrice. When his parents asked him why he did so, Ganesh answered "Mother asked both my brother and me to circle the whole earth in the shortest possible time. For me, you both are the universe". Shiva and Parvati were very happy with Ganesha's answer and blessed him saying that his name would always be taken before any auspicious work was undertaken.

Why only one tusk?
She told us that he was the one who transcribed the MahaBharata from Vyasa. He broke off one of his tusks and used it as the pen.
from wiki:
The first section of the Mahabharata states that it was Ganesha who, at the request of Vyasa, wrote down the text to Vyasa's dictation. Ganesha is said to have agreed to write it only on condition that Vyasa never pause in his recitation. Vyasa agreed, provided Ganesha took the time to understand what was said before writing it down. Source of Image.

She told us of Ganesha as the remover of obstacles. She told us that he is the guardian of the kundalini and rules the muladhara.

Uma used a word, "chid akosha" or something like that to describe the seed of the soul and removing the obstacles to its uncovery. I have not been able to google search anything useful or more clear. I will have to connect with Uschi cuz she took notes.

She reviewed the three types obstacles. (See previous notes)

Then she asked us to share what are our obstacles to Joy?
It was a long list and she addressed each one specifically as well as generally.

Some of the obstacles and their causes were:
Fear: Abhinvesha, fear of death
Stress/Anxiety: Attachment to the Fruits of our Efforts
Laziness: Tamas
Excitement: Attraction to the sensual physical pleasure

"Why do we not protect our peace?"
"Why do we protect our home, our possessions, etc. but not our inner peace?"
- Because we have not really taken the time to taste it and experience it. We have not become intimate enough. We do not know how to stay in it. We do not have the stamina. We are more comfortable and familiar with the negative. We are more practiced at it.

The suggestion of Ramana's Practice of "Who Am I?" Inquiry for one Month
"Why do we spend so much time doing other things but we cannot take one month to inquire into ourselves?"

The continual emphasis on the Mystic Path of NOW. Instantly. Choose JOY NOW.

We danced and Sang to Krishna and then took a Break.

When we came back, the emphasis was on "The Psychology of Happiness"
How to connect with the DIVINE and LOVE.

She spoke of the Bhakti Path.
This is her path and she sure makes it compelling.
"Intellect with no love is dry, not juicy"
"it is the Love that flows"
"You cannot teach yoga through words."

Modah (capacity for delight, right side)
PraModah (capcity for ectasy, left side)
Priya (capacity for love, the head)
Ananda (bliss, the trunk)
Brahaman (the support, legs, the whole enchilada)
(I found this link. article 1997b goes into depth on the sources of these words. )

She did a dance to Krishna
We got up and danced to Sita Ram
and then she did one more dance to the Divine Mother

There was much more.


12 Breath Class

I subbed for Winifred tonight.
4 peeps.

I taught what I have been teaching. It is basic and easy enough to meet anyone it seems.
Working the pelvis awareness into this class but still using strap and block. It feels possibility like we are endlessly prepping without doing much with it. But somehow I am stuck on these actions and making sure they are clear.

Open Heart on 2 Bricks

Windshield Wiper
Pelvis Rocking
The Shimmy

Hamstring Stretching with a Strap

Transition to a Seat
Toe Strap Work
Ankle Strap Work
Brick Between Thighs
and Simultaneous Opposites

Transition to Uttanasana
Roll up to Tadasana

Bound and Bricked Tadasana
with Shoulder Opening and Ujayyi Pranayama Play

Tadasana san equipment
2 Rounds Lunge Salutes

Childs Pose
Sphnix Play x 2

Roll onto Backs
Bridge Pose x 3
Cosmic Rest Pose in Between

Knees to Chest
Eye of the Needle
Easy Spinal Twist


SWG Saturday 10:45am

7 Peeps
2 Drop Ins

Similar as last week's SWG. Working the pelvis awareness into this class but still using strap and block. It feels possibility like we are endlessly prepping without doing much with it. But somehow I am stuck on these actions and making sure they are clear.

Open Heart on 2 Bricks

Windshield Wiper
Pelvis Rocking
The Shimmy

Hamstring Stretching with a Strap

Transition to a Seat
Toe Strap Work
Ankle Strap Work
Brick Between Thighs
and Simultaneous Opposites

Transition to Uttanasana
Roll up to Tadasana

Bound and Bricked Tadasana
with Shoulder Opening and Ujayyi Pranayama Play

Tadasana san equipment
2 Rounds Lunge Salutes

Childs Pose
Sphnix Play x 2
Locust Play x 2

Roll onto Backs
Knees to Chest
Eye of the Needle
Easy Spinal Twist


Soft Vinyasa Saturday 9am

22 Peeps
5 Drop Ins

I am still in this world of dialing in towards the spine. It is a slow practice and there seems to not be much room for much. I am endeavoring to assist peeps understand how they can use their awareness and breath to move the prana more subtly. I sense this is key for starting to sit for longer. But it means we do not move much. Today we worked the spine towards headstand.
A woman who has been practicing with me for a long time said that she is "getting" the sense of moving from the inside. I could not have felt more delighted.

Supine Heart Opener on Brick and Blanket

Windshield Wiper
Pelvis Rocking

Sukhasana Forward Folding and Chest Pressing

Transition to All Fours
Easy Side Plank Both Sides
Childs Pose


Lunge Sequence
Lunge to Crescent Moon
Hamstring Play

Repeat Lunge Sequence

Sphinx Play
Sphinx with Belly Play

Cobra Locust Vinyasa x 2

Roll up to Standing

Tadasana with Shoulder Work and attention the the Breath

Cobra Locust Vinyasa

Childs Pose

Shoulder Work with Blocks

Headstand Prep
Headstand Play

(This was a big group to through out headstand to. An unusual "move" on my part.)
Childs Pose
Bridge Pose x 2

Easy Spinal Twist

