Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Yin Yoga and Meditation, Wed 7pm

3 Peeps
All Regulars

Butterfly, 6 minutes
Sit, 3 minutes

Swan (Pigeon), Box or Shoelace (Cow Face), 5 Minutes
Rest, Legs Wide 2 Minutes with attention to Svadhisthana
Repeat Other Side, 5 Minutes
Rest, Legs Wide 2 Minutes with attention to Svadhisthana

Uppavista Konasana or Frog
(Everyone chose Frog)
5 Minutes
Attention to Svadhistanana

Transition onto Belly From Frog

Yang Locust 1 Minute
Repeat Yang Locust

Seal or Sphinx, 5 Minutes
Attention to Svadhisthana

Roll onto Backs
Knees to Chest
Savasana Shape
Eagle Spinal Twist, attention to Ajna, 5 Minutes
Rest Savasana
Repeat Twist other Side, 5 Minutes
Rest Savasana

Transition to Sitting

Attention to Svadhisthana
VAM on the Inhale, OM on the Exhale
7 minutes or so
Relax the Mantra, hold awareness as the Savdhisthana
The belly feels expanded and full.
Holding this grounding, allow expanded attention to open towards the Ajna.

By here, we had been sitting for about 15 minutes.
Option to lie down in Savasana or keep sitting.

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