Monday, March 3, 2008

Practice Monday, March 3, 4:00pm

Usually between classes on Monday I take a nap.
But I have been exceptionally busy and allowed myself to keep working through the time I would have been able to pull of a nap. So I needed a restorative practice.

Lie Supine with Knees bent. Feet wide and knees falling together.
Hands on belly. Focus on bringing the breath down to my hands.

Transition hands to lower ribs/diaphragm region and focus on opening up into hands, aiming breath down.

Deepening of breath.
6 0 6 0
6 3 6 3
6 6 6 6
6 0 6 0

Relax and feel the effects.

Roll to sitting.
Easy Sukhasana

Roll onto back
Lotus Prep Work

Roll to sitting
Half Bound Lotus Twisting and Forward Fold
Janu Sirsasana Variation with Lotus
Schiffmann Half Box Twisting Play
(Switch Sides)

Maha Bandha Work

Quiet Sit
20 minutes or so...

Transition to back
Easy Spinal Twisting

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