Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Yoga Basics, Wednesday 5:00pm

10 Peeps
2 New

Start Supine
Breath Awareness towards four parts of breath

Hamstring Stretch with Strap

Transition to Seated

Sukhasana Forward Fold
Switch Legs and Repeat

Standing Forward Fold

Roll up to Standing

Wall Work
Right Angle
Forward Fold
(Focus on breathing down the channels of the body. Front and Back. As well as playing with staying attentive to the 4 parts of the breath).

Wide Stance.
Leg Channels.
Wide Leg Forward Fold.

Warrior 2 Dance and Hold Both Sides
Wide Leg Forward Fold

Nadi/Feet Awareness/Nostril Exercise

Balance Play
Little Tree
Forward Fold
Big Tree
Forward Fold

Transition to Earth Through Squat

Seated Forward Fold with Strap and Blanket Play
Focus on breathing down the spine to increase awareness of the tiny core postural muscles.

Revolving Head to Knee Pose
Easy Seated Spinal Twist

Repeat Other Side

Transition onto Backs

Windshield Wiper
Bridge 2x

Knees to Chest
Happy Baby

Set up for Pranayama
x 0 x 0
x x/2 x 0
x x/2 x x/2
x x x x
x 0 x 0


1 comment:

Lisa said...

Namaste, Kira. Thank you for posting your candid thoughts about your classes. As a new teacher, it is nice to hear the inner thoughts of a seasoned teacher.