Monday, March 3, 2008

Yoga Basics, Monday 5:00pm

7 Peeps
Mix of Regulars and Newish
I have been geeking out lately on breath and prana and the nadis so continued that.
This might have been one of the freshest classes I have ever taught.

I was a few minutes late to class. Door must have been open cuz everyone was lined up and in the studio.

Knees bent with feet wide and knees falling together.
Hands on belly, awareness to breath.
Hands to Rib, press breath into ribs.
Dial in ujayyi. Bring attention to parts of breath.

Knees to chest
Roll up to Sitting

Sukhasana Forward Fold
Switch Legs and Other Side


Roll to Standing

Wall Work to Dial in Breath down the front and back of body.
Right Angle
Dangling Forward Fold
Roll up to Standing

Shoulder Stretch @ Wall
Right Angle
Danging Forward Fold

Roll up to Standing

Legs wide
Awaken Leg Channels
Wide Leg Forward Fold

Roll up to standing
Legs together

Wake up Arm Channels
Arm Prana Extension Exercise
1/4 Sun Salutations

Warrior 2 Dance
Wide Leg Forward Fold

Roll up to standing

Nadi Foot Nostril Breath Exercise
and Discussion of Parana, nadis, shushumna, ida, pingala
(We sat down for this which was new and cool)

Triangle both sides
Half Moon Both Sides
(with block and awarness on the prana and breath work to create the alignment)

Forward Fold

Transition onto backs

Supported Bridge with block

Eye of Needle

Breath Extension work
Directed peeps towards breath and action of counting breath, evening out the length of the inhale an exhale. Then, notice the moments at top of inhale and bottom of exhale. Then, hold for half of breath count at top of inhale. So, if breath was 4 0 4 0, breath would go to 4 2 4 0.

Then, eventually, hold at bottom of exhale for same length (4 2 4 2). Then, if appropriate, find a breath pattern that is even for all spots (e.g. 4 4 4 4). Then, relax back to 4 0 4 0 and then relax all intention and slide into savasana.


Quiet Sit

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