Thursday, December 17, 2009

Help of Ojai Class, Wednesday @ 1:30pm

This is our last class of 2009 with this group.
When I arrived, everyone was already supine, lying over bolsters and resting.

Attention to the Breath
Tether awareness to heart center

Transition up to Sitting
Discussion: How do you know your practice is working? I asked the peeps what keeps them coming back to yoga.

Everyone shared. Some examples include:
- I feel more relaxed and I take that with me all day.
- I feel more at peace.
- My knee doesn't hurt anymore.
- I feel more centered in myself.
- I need to or else my back and sciatica hurt.
- I feel looser and more mobile.
- I feel happier.

This was sweet. I was inspired to ask because of our sweet time together in the Jam Session. The sharing was so cool.

Transition to a standing foreword fold.
Roll up to Standing

Hokey Pokey Schiffmann Shaking
Full Body Crazy Person Shaking and Giggling
Arm Prana Slapping
Heart prana Awakening
Heart Prana Pounding and Tarzan yelling

Heart Hand Prana Extension Play

The Big Lebowski Shoulder Circles

Shoulder Stretching at Wall to create Breathing Room
Right angle Pose

Repeat About with different angle for shoulder stretch and balance on one leg in right angle pose

Return to Face into Center

Warrior 3 Sequence
Stage 1
Parsvottanasna Stance with Extended Arms to Sky Both Sides

Stage 2
Parsvottasnana Stance with Extended Arms to Sky Both Sides
Lift off to "baby" Warrior 3
Return to Tadasana
Repeat Other Side

Stage 3
Parsvottasnana Stance with Extended Arms to Sky Both Sides
Lift off to "baby" Warrior 3
Dip Lower as appropriate
Return to Tadasana
Repeat Other Side


Transition to Vajrasana and sit on 2 bricks
A-U-M Breakdown
Chanting A, then U, then M
Then 3 Rounds OM

Used this as the experience of Sutra 1.2 and 1.34.

Transition to Backs
Knees to Chest

Waterfall Pose with Bolster and Chair for Savasana


1 comment:

Zen Muffin said...

wow! really nice photo and post.