Thursday, June 11, 2009

Teaching Yoga, Summer 2009. Day 1.


So many breakthroughs have happened around the Teacher Training already.

1. I did not redo any major portion of the manual.  Rather, I was comfortable with the way it was.  

2. I dropped the manual off to be printed instead of doing it myself.  I was super clear about what I wanted and I did not feel badly about asking the young woman at the Biz Center to care. They came out perfectly.

3. I did not get grumpy or anxious before the start.

We gathered from 7 to 9 tonight.

We did an hour long yin practice.  
- Butterfly
- Swan
- Seal
- Childs Pose
- Spinal Twist
- Savasana
- Sit

During the practice I shared a little about the theories of the Connective Tissue and the Yin Practice.  

Then we circled.
- Introductions
The group is earnest and wanting to learn.  This creates rich soil out of which the 10 days will blossom.   Almost everyone mentioned the word, "body" in one of the reasons they are in the training, so it seems that we will be focusing a lot on the physical aspects of the practice.

I shared from the manual to establish the "ground rules":
"How to get the Most of the Training."
"My goals for the Training."

I assigned the Joel Kramer reading, "Yoga for Transformation."

We sat for a moment.

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