Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Winter Teaching Yoga Session: Day 6

I feel like I am driving the group.  Usually the information is drawn out of me through questions and situations.  Because of the more intimate size and learning style of the group, there are not so many questions and so I just keep going.  I feel like I am presenting a lot of information (maybe too much) that can't all be useful or interesting.  And so while it is difficult to continue without obvious feedback, I am totally enjoying myself.

I am so grateful to C, M and L for joining me as we slide together towards the winter solstice on the waning moon.  I love to try to explain what I do.  And today I had some major insights on what the "Intro to Yoga" videos would look like on the Lulubandhas.com home page.

Restorative Upavishta Konasana
Restorative Spinal Twist Over the Bolster (Both Sides)
Reclining Heart Opener with Bolster at Angle Supported by a Brick
Easy Forward Fold

L had questioned the meaning on Monday.
I was psyched cuz it made me have to try to explain the Samkhya dualist philosophy of purusha and prakrti.  This is not comfortable easy territory for me, so I was a little rusty on that one.  I brought a few different sources today so we could look at different translations of that sutra confirming that it could be seen different ways.

I had big ambitions for this practice.
We were going to be looking at "forward facing hip" poses, checking in the actions of mula bandha, uddiyana bandha and the aligning force of the ujayyi breath as well as the release into the shushumna.

On backs, engaging with the Pelvic Floor, vajroli mudra, aswini mudra and the perineum
Roll up to Squat
Roll up to standing

Uddiyana Bandha Play
Arm Channel Prana
Heart Hand Prana Exercise

Ujayyi Breath and Vayu Theory

Sequence 1
Sun to Lunge
Twisting Lunge
Low Lunge with Action in Tailbone
Step Forward
Roll up to Standing

Repeat Sequence 1 Other Side

Bow n Arrow Action with Shoulder Opening

Sequence 2
Sun to Lunge
Warrior 1 Geek Out (Hip Rotation, Tailbone, Shoulders, Feet, etc)
Step Forward 
Roll up to Standing

Repeat Sequence 2 other Side

Sequence 3
Sun to Lunge
Pyramid Variation
Warrior 3 Variation
Standing Splits
Roll up to Standing

Repeat Sequence 3 other Side

Sequence 4
Step Back to Twisting Triangle Stance
Twisting Triangle with Bow n Arrow Action
Pyramid Variation
Roll up to Standing

Repeat Sequence 4

Sequence 5
Step back to Twisting Triangle Stance
Twisting Triangle with hand on Sacrum
Pyramid Variation 
Roll up to Standing


On each other we looked at the postures more in depth, but the teaching and working from the actions made this almost unnecessary.  I realized today that I teach from actions so that the poses happen from the inside out.  

(i had planned to do pigeon too, but forgot)

Bridge Pose Adjustments
Bridge Pose Solo with Strap

Restorative with Bolster under Neck and Legs loosely bound in semi baddha konasana


Break @ 3:45
Come together at 4:15

Talked more about teaching an Asana
Assigned Homework: Triangle Homework, Write out instructions for favorite and least favorite standing pose.  Be Prepared to Teach.

Was guided to share the Gayatri Mantra.
Practiced and Sat.

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