Friday, June 13, 2008

Teacher Training Day 2

I love the Teacher Training.
The effort of making what you do transparent seems to lighten it up.
But Donna summed it up in her quoting of Joel Kramer that we have no choice but to change. we cannot remain the same.

And the unique mix and size of this group are demanding that I show up with less to do and be more open to what reveals itself. It's a natural pack of yogis. Teachers and peeps that want to be teachers. My job is to let them teach more during the training. This requires that I teach less.

Today we did this:
Heart Opening
with either 2 blocks or a bolster
introduced idea of emphasizing the exhale
heart chakra, anahata
compassion for self, compassion for others duality

Easy Cross Legged Forward Fold
Easy Side Bend
(Switch Legs and Repeat)

Quiet Sit.

Discussion of Stress, Breath and the Vagus Nerve
Easy Practice to Establish Anatomical Awareness and Corresponding Language
Supine Hip Rotation
Hamstring Stretch with Hip Rotation

Baddha Konasana Pelvis Tailbone and Hip Awareness


Roll up to Standing

Tadasana Geek Out
Ujayyi Breathing

1/4 Suns
1/2 Suns
Nicole, Alicia and Winifred taught

2 Rounds Easy Lunge Salutes with Blocks

Wise Guy
Spine Awareness and Palm Awareness Technique

Transition onto Backs
Windshield Wiper
Bridge x 2

Knees to Chest Cross Legged
Easy Spinal Twist



3:00 30 minute Break

3:40 or So Gathered Again
Assignment of Homework
Effort Effect, Carol Dweck

I shared the gist of the article and this lead into a discussion of linage.
Also assigned:
Review Connective Tissue Information
Read about Patanjali and the Sutras of the Yamas and Niyams

Practice Looking
using Down Dog, we started to see how everyone does Down Dog differently


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