Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Teacher Training Day 5

Pre the training, Alana and I went on a hike and then swam in the swimming hole. This was the perfect set up for the day.

We had a big day today.
We heard voices and danced in the creativity of 7 of the peeps.
Donna, Tara, Winifred Ashley, Robert, Nicole and Alicia all lead us through their unique sun salutations. Super Fun and Hot!

Then I led us through a horse, squirt, front splits, side splits sequence. Frog with blankets and crawling. A little Lotus Play. Some Bridge Play. Viparrita Karni. Casual Plow, Karni Pindasana, fish variation and spinal twist. (This turned out to be perfect prep for sitting in the sweat lodge later).


Gathered and assigned the Asana Homework. Talked a little about instruction cuing, but this group really seems to learn best by doing. The we did thai massage savasana adjustments.

Tonight was super special. Hema's partner, Andrew led us in a sweat lodge. Most of the group was there. Some very powerful stories came forth. Very big prayers. Afterwards we all piled out and layed on the grass and got hosed down. There was a full moon and a slow shooting star (some think it was a meteor). I began to dance and move and it was like all nooks and crannies of my body were getting loosened. The demon in my throat seems to have taken leave.

Then we ate and communed. I am so blessed and lucky.

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