Monday, June 16, 2008

Teacher Training Day 4

Hard Day Today.
The last several days we have been marinating, slipping into Ojai pace. Practice relaxing, looking, touching. Learning the alignment cues. Today I introduced the classic patterns of Surya Namaskar A, B, and C. I introduce these and look at them so that we can discuss classic patterns and understand the roots of the vinyasa practice.

But this will be the last time I focus on these. I realize that in the training, I am still not introducing enough of my teaching style. I am trying to get too much done and not sharing enough of myself. My efforts to keep and wide and open do not work with 16 peeps. It worked when there were 10. The kids that have come from far have no context for what I am teaching. The peeps that kick it at the studio have such an advantage of context. I need to provide more context and relax about making sure the "know it all".

Tomorrow we will start embark on the path of learning how to teach vinyasa. I can feel the doubt, the worry, the wonder, it was "that day". That day in the training that blows things up to the surface. People are sharing alot of fear.Now it is my job to create the space where it can all come back together.

We used the chanting of the parts of AUM and the Gayatri to center. I had not planned that, but it seemed to be fine. The Gayatri is the Sun Salutation Mantra.

Sun Salutation Discussion
Different Peeps Demoed so we could look at the elements of the Sun Salutations and talk about them.

Sun Salutation Practice
We did A, B, and C.
Then we riffed off this to dial in the elements of the transitions, chaturanga, updog, and warrior 1. We went as long as seemed appropriate for the group.

Standing Pose Practice
Get in other people's skin.
I am not sure that this was successful. This is how I practice, I get into other people's body's and connect with what's happening. This is a compassion practice. I got the idea to share it the other day on a hike. Needs work. Maybe some things came through. I also realized as we were doing it, this is why I barely teach postures in SWG. But it was fresh so I am pleased with that.

Revolving Head to Knee Pose with Partners
Not sure this was successful...wanted to introduce more looking with more active touching. However, lots of great dialogue among the peeps around what was working for them and what was not. We learned a new adjustment technique from Alicia. Maybe I approached adjusting the posture too casually. Cuz all these injuries and complaints began to arise.

This was the moment that the discussion took a really interesting turn. Suddenly we were looking at Upvishta Konasana. A pose I never teach cuz it's so ridiculously hard for so many people. And it was revealed that almost everyone cept Meghan hates it. As all the revealed pains and frustrations were coming up I had to restrain myself not to start fixing them, but allow the discussion to open towards why do a pose that's hard. To pay attention to the idea that you should learn something about yourself and eventually you will be able to do it. I learned so much about the group in this moment. How to be attentive and focused to your practice with out attachment to the results. This is the major challenge of a teacher.

We shared Goal Poses.
Some were:
Robert and Casey: Scorpian
Jim: Crow
Meghan: Twisted Root Handstand
Alicia: To Fly
Jaclyn: Peacock Backbend and Crane
Ashley: Handstand
Nicole: Seated Forward Fold

Comfortable Lotus
Drop Backs
and more...

This was awesome to learn. I will most likely approach some of the trickier ones individually, but lotus and handstand are at the top of the list for later in the week.

We broke the discussion and took a restorative backbend.


3:30 to 4:00pm Break

4:00 Andrew spoke to us about the sweat lodge that he is going to hold for the group tomorrow night. Wow! What a gift and a treat.

4:35 Wrap Up Discussion
Assigned Homework of designing a sun salutation and teaching it.
We practiced drawing stick figures.

We shared Favorite Poses:
Donna: Triangle
Jaclyn: Standing Bow Pose
Hema: Wheel and Headstand
Tara: Handstand at the Wall
Nicole: Hurdler
Alicia: Nataranjasana
Ashley: Wheel and Side Plank
Winifred: Reclining Twist
Sarah: Eagle and Wheel
Jim: Standing Twists
Robert: Raja Kapotanasana Prep
Meghan and Meghan: Tittibasana
Casey: Locust and King pigeon
Amber: Coming up from a Backbend
Alana: Handstand and Camel

Group Om with different people starting it.
Happy Birthday to AMBER!


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